Get the support you need

Apply to the Black Game Developer Fund for a boost in resources and support to help make your game vision a reality.

The application process

Committee review

Once an application has been completed, the BGDF committee conducts a thorough review based on an evolving set of considerations, including existing BGDF projects, current trends, team composition and capabilities for completing the project, and likelihood of critical and commercial success.


The BGDF advisors and Humble Games team members meet with shortlisted candidates to better understand their projects and needs.


Once the selectees have been determined, they’re each notified and offered participation in the BGDF; acceptance comes with funding that corresponds to the nature of their project and its current development status, such as startup or prototype funding.

Apply now

Thank you for your interest in joining the Black Game Developer Fund!
We look forward to reviewing your application and will be in touch with a response in the weeks ahead.