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How To Establish Your Content Tilt

Forbes Communications Council
Cameron Conaway

The idea of “peak content” has been gaining traction in the marketing and journalism industries. The theory of peak oil inspires the term, which describes the point at which we’ve reached the maximum rate of crude oil extraction and the rate of extraction, therefore, begins to decline. Those pushing the peak content theory say that content is everywhere and that people are tired of the fluff -- increasingly turning away from it. 

And, in some ways, they’re right. But most newsrooms across the country are still asking their talented journalists to spend a significant portion of their day essentially rewriting stories published elsewhere. And content marketing teams are still relying on relatively antiquated moves, such as the “skyscraper technique,” where they find an article with a high search ranking and then try to one-up it in quality in the hopes that the powers that be at Google will allow their piece to usurp the original.

Churning out similar content to everybody else is a path to extinction, not relevancy.

What is the content tilt?

The content tilt is that sweet spot when a topic related to your product or service has minimal or no competition. The term was popularized by Joe Pulizzi, founder of the Content Marketing Institute, who says that it’s the best way to have “a fighter’s chance of breaking through and becoming relevant.”

It’s easy to see why those building out content marketing strategies often neglect this part. For starters, it can be incredibly difficult for an established company with multiple competitors to find an angle to their offering that they can genuinely own on the web or elsewhere. It’s also far easier and more enticing to do an online search, find what’s out there and then carve out a plan to create something better.

In some ways, this is why Pulizzi often advocates for building your audience before offering a product. In thinking audience first, and not having the burden of entering into a competitive space, there’s typically a far better chance that you can find your content tilt and run with it.

But, for those already invested in a content marketing strategy, not all is lost. It’s still possible to find your content tilt. In fact, thinking about your content tilt should be a continuous process and baked into your overall content strategy, so you can pivot when necessary and uncover new opportunities as your company enters new markets or launches new products, features or services.

Here’s how to establish your content tilt.

Finding your content tilt takes creativity and an honest look at you and your team’s capabilities. Here are five ways to set yourself up for success.

1. Read and reflect on the case studies. People before you have pulled this off, and there’s a lot to learn about how they did it. 

2. Assess the field. Before immediately jumping into Google Search, jot down some angles that you think might serve as a content tilt. This exercise will allow you to think creatively rather than jumping from topic to topic based on what Google offers up. Once you’ve compiled a list, start searching. Most -- and maybe all -- of your ideas will likely be ruled out, but this process is invaluable for narrowing your focus and finding your niche.

3. Assess you and your team. If you discover your content tilt, do you have the time, skills and energy necessary to own the space? Only when you have a full and honest understanding of what you’re capable of will you be able to create a strategy to fill the gaps and get started.

4. Determine your delivery methods. Are blog posts the way to go in the age of peak content? Depending on your niche and audience, maybe. But be sure to entertain a variety of other options -- from podcasts to print magazines -- that may better align with your anticipated audience and the skills of your team.

5. Schedule routine tilt checks. When you’ve found your content tilt and are successfully rolling, keep in mind that the insights you gain, both from your growing audience and the likely rise of competitors, will help you determine whether to stay the course or make slight alterations to your overall content marketing strategy.

There’s no guarantee that you’ll find your content tilt after working through these steps. Still, you’ll be giving yourself the best shot and, at the least, you will uncover new insights that can help you improve your existing strategy.

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