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swiftDialog v2.4.0 Beta 2

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@bartreardon bartreardon released this 16 Jan 12:32
· 8 commits to dev_2.4.0 since this release

Updates since Beta 1:

  • adjusted icon padding when using SF symbol vs app icon/computer image #323
  • fixed an indexing issue with date picker
  • fixed an issue where float to string to float conversion (if/when it happens) would fail if the number format for the users locale was 1.234.567,80 (this may be an issue in swift with how CGFloat is represented as a string as regardless of locale the float is converted to a string with a period instead of a locale specific decimal point - e.g. 123 becomes 123.0
  • added an option to have live validation of textfields that have a format requirement using regex.
    • Enabled with the --textfieldlivevalidation argument