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Interactive Map: The World as 1,000 People



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All The People in the World as 1,000 People

The world’s population has doubled in size over the last 50 years.

In 2022, we reached the mark of 8 billion living on Earth. According to UN estimates, by July 2023, all the people in the world numbered 8,045,311,447.

In this interactive map, we use population estimates from the United Nations Population Division to illustrate the world’s population as if the Earth had only 1,000 people. Countries with a population of below 7.6 million did not make our cutoff to be visualized, but are included in overall calculations and listed below.

Over Half of People Live in Asia

Asia is by far the world’s most populous region, with over 4.7 billion people. The continent, led by India and China, represents 59% of the total population.

Imagining the Earth with only 1,000 people helps illustrate this more easily. India would account for 178 people and China would have 177.

Here is the estimated population in July 2023 for each country, and how many people their residents would constitute out of 1,000:

CountryTotal Population (July 2023)Share of 1,000 Global People
🇮🇳 India1,428,627,663178
🇨🇳 China1,425,671,352177
🇺🇸 United States339,996,56342
🇮🇩 Indonesia277,534,12235
🇵🇰 Pakistan240,485,65830
🇳🇬 Nigeria223,804,63228
🇧🇷 Brazil216,422,44627
🇧🇩 Bangladesh172,954,31922
🇷🇺 Russia144,444,35918
🇲🇽 Mexico128,455,56716
🇪🇹 Ethiopia126,527,06016
🇯🇵 Japan123,294,51315
🇵🇭 Philippines117,337,36815
🇪🇬 Egypt112,716,59814
🇨🇩 DRC102,262,80813
🇻🇳 Vietnam98,858,95012
🇮🇷 Iran89,172,76711
🇹🇷 Türkiye85,816,19911
🇩🇪 Germany83,294,63310
🇹🇭 Thailand71,801,2799
🇬🇧 United Kingdom67,736,8028
🇹🇿 Tanzania67,438,1068
🇫🇷 France64,756,5848
🇿🇦 South Africa60,414,4958
🇮🇹 Italy58,870,7627
🇰🇪 Kenya55,100,5867
🇲🇲 Myanmar54,577,9977
🇨🇴 Colombia52,085,1687
🇰🇷 South Korea51,784,0596
🇺🇬 Uganda48,582,3346
🇸🇩 Sudan48,109,0066
🇪🇸 Spain47,519,6286
🇦🇷 Argentina45,773,8846
🇩🇿 Algeria45,606,4806
🇮🇶 Iraq45,504,5606
🇦🇫 Afghanistan42,239,8545
🇵🇱 Poland41,026,0675
🇨🇦 Canada38,781,2915
🇲🇦 Morocco37,840,0445
🇸🇦 Saudi Arabia36,947,0255
🇺🇦 Ukraine36,744,6345
🇦🇴 Angola36,684,2025
🇺🇿 Uzbekistan35,163,9444
🇾🇪 Yemen34,449,8254
🇵🇪 Peru34,352,7194
🇲🇾 Malaysia34,308,5254
🇬🇭 Ghana34,121,9854
🇲🇿 Mozambique33,897,3544
🇳🇵 Nepal30,896,5904
🇲🇬 Madagascar30,325,7324
🇨🇮 Côte d'Ivoire28,873,0344
🇻🇪 Venezuela28,838,4994
🇨🇲 Cameroon28,647,2934
🇳🇪 Niger27,202,8433
🇦🇺 Australia26,439,1113
🇰🇵 North Korea26,160,8213
🇹🇼 Taiwan23,923,2763
🇲🇱 Mali23,293,6983
🇧🇫 Burkina Faso23,251,4853
🇸🇾 Syria23,227,0143
🇱🇰 Sri Lanka21,893,5793
🇲🇼 Malawi20,931,7513
🇿🇲 Zambia20,569,7373
🇷🇴 Romania19,892,8123
🇨🇱 Chile19,629,5902
🇰🇿 Kazakhstan19,606,6332
🇹🇩 Chad18,278,5682
🇪🇨 Ecuador18,190,4842
🇸🇴 Somalia18,143,3782
🇬🇹 Guatemala18,092,0262
🇸🇳 Senegal17,763,1632
🇳🇱 Netherlands17,618,2992
🇰🇭 Cambodia16,944,8262
🇿🇼 Zimbabwe16,665,4092
🇬🇳 Guinea14,190,6122
🇷🇼 Rwanda14,094,6832
🇧🇯 Benin13,712,8282
🇧🇮 Burundi13,238,5592
🇹🇳 Tunisia12,458,2232
🇧🇴 Bolivia12,388,5712
🇭🇹 Haiti11,724,7632
🇧🇪 Belgium11,686,1402
🇯🇴 Jordan11,337,0521
🇩🇴 Dominican Republic11,332,9721
🇨🇺 Cuba11,194,4491
🇸🇸 South Sudan11,088,7961
🇸🇪 Sweden10,612,0861
🇭🇳 Honduras10,593,7981
🇨🇿 Czech Republic (Czechia)10,495,2951
🇦🇿 Azerbaijan10,412,6511
🇬🇷 Greece10,341,2771
🇵🇬 Papua New Guinea10,329,9311
🇵🇹 Portugal10,247,6051
🇭🇺 Hungary10,156,2391
🇹🇯 Tajikistan10,143,5431
🇦🇪 United Arab Emirates9,516,8711
🇧🇾 Belarus9,498,2381
🇮🇱 Israel9,174,5201
🇹🇬 Togo9,053,7991
🇦🇹 Austria8,958,9601
🇨🇭 Switzerland8,796,6691
🇸🇱 Sierra Leone8,791,0921
🇱🇦 Laos7,633,7790.9
🇭🇰 Hong Kong7,491,6090.9
🇷🇸 Serbia7,149,0770.9
🇳🇮 Nicaragua7,046,3100.9
🇱🇾 Libyg6,888,3880.9
🇵🇾 Paraguay6,861,5240.9
🇰🇬 Kyrgyzstan6,735,3470.8
🇧🇬 ßulgaria6,687,7170.8
🇹🇲 Turkmenistan6,516,1000.8
🇸🇻 EI Salvador6,364,9430.8
🇨🇬 Congo6,106,8690.8
🇸🇬 Singapore6,014,7230.7
🇩🇰 Denmark5,910,9130.7
🇸🇰 Slovakia5,795,1990.7
🇨🇫 Central African Republic5,742,3150.7
🇫🇮 Finland5,545,4750.7
🇳🇴 Norway5,474,3600.7
🇱🇷 Liberia5,418,3770.7
🇵🇸 State of Palestine5,371,2300.7
🇱🇧 Lebanon5,353,9300.7
🇳🇿 New Zealand5,228,1000.6
🇨🇷 Costa Rica5,212,1730.6
🇮🇪 Ireland5,056,9350.6
🇲🇷 Mauritania4,862,9890.6
🇴🇲 Oman4,644,3840.6
🇵🇦 Panama4,468,0870.6
🇰🇼 Kuwait4,310,1080.5
🇭🇷 Croatia4,008,6170.5
🇪🇷 Eritrea3,748,9010.5
🇬🇪 Georgia3,728,2820.5
🇲🇳 Mongolia3,447,1570.4
🇲🇩 Moldova3,435,9310.4
🇺🇾 Uruguay3,423,1080.4
🇵🇷 Puerto Rico3,260,3140.4
🇧🇦 Bosnia and Herzegovina3,210,8470.4
🇦🇱 Albania2,832,4390.4
🇯🇲 Jamaica2,825,5440.4
🇦🇲 Armenia2,777,9700.3
🇬🇲 Gambia2,773,1680.3
🇱🇹 Lithuania2,718,3520.3
🇶🇦 Qatar2,716,3910.3
🇧🇼 Botswana2,675,3520.3
🇳🇦 Namibia2,604,1720.3
🇬🇦 Gabon2,436,5660.3
🇱🇸 Lesotho2,330,3180.3
🇬🇼 Guinea-Bissau2,150,8420.3
🇸🇮 Slovenia2,119,6750.3
🇲🇰 North Macedonia2,085,6790.3
🇱🇻 Latvia1,830,2110.2
🇬🇶 Equatorial Guinea1,714,6710.2
🇽🇰 Kosovo1,663,5940.2
🇹🇹 Trinidad and Tobago1,534,9370.2
🇧🇭 Bahrain1,485,5090.2
🇹🇱 Timor-Leste1,360,5960.2
🇪🇪 Estonia1,322,7650.2
🇲🇺 Mauritius1,300,5570.2
🇨🇾 Cyprus1,260,1380.2
🇸🇿 Eswatini1,210,8220.2
🇩🇯 Djibouti1,136,4550.1
🇷🇪 Réunion981,7960.1
🇫🇯 Fiji936,3750.1
🇰🇲 Comoros852,0750.1
🇬🇾 Guyana813,8340.1
🇧🇹 Bhutan787,4240.1
🇸🇧 Solomon Islands740,4240.1
🇲🇴 Macao704,1490.1
🇱🇺 Luxembourg654,7680.1
🇲🇪 Montenegro626,4850.1
🇸🇷 Suriname623,2360.1
🇨🇻 Cabo Verde598,6820.1
🇪🇭 Western Sahara587,2590.1
🇲🇹 Malta535,0640.1
🇲🇻 Maldives521,0210.1
🇧🇳 Brunei452,5240.1
🇧🇸 Bahamas412,6230.1
🇧🇿 Belize410,8250.1
🇬🇵 Guadeloupe395,8390.0
🇮🇸 Iceland375,3180.0
🇲🇶 Martinique366,9810.0
🇾🇹 Mayotte335,9950.0
🇻🇺 Vanuatu334,5060.0
🇬🇫 French Guiana312,1550.0
🇵🇫 French Polynesia308,8720.0
🇳🇨 New Caledonia292,9910.0
🇧🇧 Barbados281,9950.0
🇸🇹 Sao Tome & Principe231,8560.0
🇼🇸 Samoa225,6810.0
🇨🇼 Curaçao192,0770.0
🇱🇨 Saint Lucia180,2510.0
🇬🇺 Guam172,9520.0
🇰🇮 Kiribati133,5150.0
🇬🇩 Grenada126,1830.0
🇫🇲 Micronesia (Fed. States of)115,2240.0
🇯🇪 Jersey111,8020.0
🇹🇴 Tonga107,7730.0
🇸🇨 Seychelles107,6600.0
🇦🇼 Aruba106,2770.0
🇻🇨 St. Vincent & Grenadines103,6980.0
🇻🇮 U.S. Virgin Islands98,7500.0
🇦🇬 Antigua and Barbuda94,2980.0
🇮🇲 Isle of Man84,7100.0
🇦🇩 Andorra80,0880.0
🇩🇲 Dominica73,0400.0
🇰🇾 Cayman Islands69,3100.0
🇧🇲 Bermuda64,0690.0
🇬🇬 Guernsey63,5440.0
🇬🇱 Greenland56,6430.0
🇫🇴 Faeroe Islands53,2700.0
🇲🇵 Northern Mariana Islands49,7960.0
🇰🇳 Saint Kitts & Nevis47,7550.0
🇹🇨 Turks and Caicos46,0620.0
🇸🇽 Sint Maarten44,2220.0
🇦🇸 American Samoa43,9140.0
🇲🇭 Marshall Islands41,9960.0
🇱🇮 Liechtensteinindo0.0
🇲🇨 Monaco36,2970.0
🇸🇲 San Marino33,6420.0
🇬🇮 Gibraltar32,6880.0
🇲🇫 Saint Martin32,0770.0
🇻🇬 British Virgin Islands31,5380.0
🇧🇶 Caribbean Netherlands27,1480.0
🇵🇼 Palau18,0580.0
🇨🇰 Cook Islands17,0440.0
🇦🇮 Anguilla15,8990.0
🇳🇷 Nauru12,7800.0
🇼🇫 Wallis & Futuna11,5020.0
🇹🇻 Tuvalu11,3960.0
🇧🇱 Saint Barthelemy10,9940.0
🇵🇲 Saint Pierre & Miquelon5,8400.0
🇸🇭 Saint Helena5,3140.0
🇲🇸 Montserrat4,3860.0
🇫🇰 Falkland Islands3,7910.0
🇳🇺 Niue1,9350.0
🇹🇰 Tokelau1,8930.0
🇻🇦 Holy See5180.0

Africa is the second most populated continent with 182 out of 1,000 people, led by Nigeria (28), Ethiopia (16) and Egypt (14). As of July 2023, Africa’s total population stood at an estimated 1.5 billion people.

Despite seeing a decline in population over the last decades, Europe still is the third in terms of total population, making up 92 out of 1,000 people and led by Russia (18), Turkey (11), and Germany (10).

If the world only had 1,000 people, North America would have only 75 inhabitants, with 42 in the United States. Meanwhile, South America would account for 55 people led by 27 from Brazil, and Oceania would have just 5 people (with 3 in Australia).

Nigeria to Pass U.S. as World’s 3rd Most Populous Country

While population projections to the end of the century do differ, they mostly agree on the same general principle: the global population is rising but that growth rate is slowing. Eventually the population will peak (sometime between 2064-2086) and begin shrinking from there.

Over the next few decades, the ranking of the most populous countries will likely remain relatively unchanged, with India and China at the top of the pecking order. Shortly after 2050, however, the population of Nigeria is projected by some sources to surpass that of the United States and become the third-largest country in the world.

Other countries expected to see significant growth in population are the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Tanzania, the U.S., Uganda, and Indonesia.

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The Largest Earthquakes in the New York Area (1970-2024)

The earthquake that shook buildings across New York in April 2024 was the third-largest quake in the Northeast U.S. over the past 50 years.



Map of earthquakes with a magnitude of 4.0 or greater recorded in the northeastern U.S. since 1970.

The Largest Earthquakes in the New York Area

This was originally posted on our Voronoi app. Download the app for free on Apple or Android and discover incredible data-driven charts from a variety of trusted sources.

The 4.8 magnitude earthquake that shook buildings across New York on Friday, April 5th, 2024 was the third-largest quake in the U.S. Northeast area over the past 50 years.

In this map, we illustrate earthquakes with a magnitude of 4.0 or greater recorded in the Northeastern U.S. since 1970, according to the United States Geological Survey (USGS).

Shallow Quakes and Older Buildings

The earthquake that struck the U.S. Northeast in April 2024 was felt by millions of people from Washington, D.C., to north of Boston. It even caused a full ground stop at Newark Airport.

The quake, occurring just 5 km beneath the Earth’s surface, was considered shallow, which is what contributed to more intense shaking at the surface.

According to the USGS, rocks in the eastern U.S. are significantly older, denser, and harder than those on the western side, compressed by time. This makes them more efficient conduits for seismic energy. Additionally, buildings in the Northeast tend to be older and may not adhere to the latest earthquake codes.

Despite disrupting work and school life, the earthquake was considered minor, according to the Michigan Technological University magnitude scale:

MagnitudeEarthquake EffectsEstimated Number
Each Year
2.5 or lessUsually not felt, but can be
recorded by seismograph.
2.5 to 5.4Often felt, but only causes
minor damage.
5.5 to 6.0Slight damage to buildings
and other structures.
6.1 to 6.9May cause a lot of damage
in very populated areas.
7.0 to 7.9Major earthquake.
Serious damage.
8.0 or greaterGreat earthquake. Can totally
destroy communities near the
One every year
or two

The largest earthquake felt in the area over the past 50 years was a 5.3 magnitude quake that occurred in Au Sable Forks, New York, in 2002. It damaged houses and cracked roads in a remote corner of the Adirondack Mountains, but caused no injuries.

April 20, 20025.3Au Sable ForksNew York
October 7, 19835.1NewcombNew York
April 5, 20244.8Whitehouse StationNew Jersey
October 16, 20124.7Hollis CenterMaine
January 16, 19944.6Sinking SpringPennsylvania
January 19, 19824.5SanborntonNew Hampshire
September 25, 19984.5AdamsvillePennsylvania
June 9, 19754.2AltonaNew York
May 29, 19834.2PeruMaine
April 23, 19844.2ConestogaPennsylvania
January 16, 19944.2Sinking SpringPennsylvania
November 3, 19754Long LakeNew York
June 17, 19914WorcesterNew York

The largest earthquake in U.S. history, however, was the 1964 Good Friday quake in Alaska, measuring 9.2 magnitude and killing 131 people.

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