[GSOC 2023] Allow moving a model between apps.

Hi all, I have been testing my patch #16905 which allow moving a model between apps for the last few days. I have tried the following cases:

  1. moving a model with m2m and fks – passed
  2. moving a model with through model and referenced by through model – passed
  3. moving a model which inherits an abstract model – passed
  4. moving a model which inherits a non-abstract model – passed
  5. moving a model with generic foreign keys – passed
  6. moving a model with indexes not defined by model – passed
  7. moving a model with triggers – passed

*moving multiple models together is not yet working as it involves creating complex dependencies with multiple migration files - looking into this .

Everything seems to be working fine till now. I would really appreciate the feedback from the community and also please let me know if there are more cases for which i should test my patch.


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