
A network for leaders of the organisations of tomorrow

The DigiGurus network consists of senior leaders (C-level executives & other senior leaders) and future leaders (founders & next-gen leaders) from organisations with digital business models, which are profitable while prioritising society, people and purpose.

Senior leaders…
are leaders that have a proven track record. Senior leaders are either current or former C-level executives of a business that meets the requirements set forth by us or they have proven that they are DigiGurus in another way (for example an accomplished author).

Future leaders…
are the leaders that will define the world in the next 30 years. They can be founders of a business that meets our requirements or they are identified as a future leader by one of our senior leader.

Learn more about the DigiGuru values »


What does the membership offer you?

So why should you join a network of next generation leaders? Because strong social networks increase your external social capital. Leaders with strong external social capital:

  1. Exclusive access to our online platform

Join DigiGurus connect where everything comes together in one online interactive social platform designed to help you get the most out of the DigiGurus experience. On connect our curators are there to direct you to the right resources and experts when you need them.

  1. Curated insights that challenge your assumptions

There are things you know, you don’t know, that is when you turn to Google. Then there are things you don’t know you don’t know that is when you turn to our curators. Our curators collect insights from our community and collaborate with the top minds in business to create insightful analyses that help you prepare your organisation for the future. Our research contains the latest data-driven, actionable insights on topics that matter to you.

  1. Interactive webinars and podcasts that inspire

In our webinars and podcasts we will discuss tech, business and culture trends, news, and the future. The webinars and podcasts feature industry experts, business leaders, and other interesting thinkers and voices from around the world.

  1. Global events that spark your curiosity

Research shows that curious business leaders make better decisions, innovate more, are better employers, reduce conflict in their organisation and improve the performance of their organisation. Held throughout the year, DigiGurus global events combine provocative learning programs with unique resources and memorable social venues all designed to spark your curiosity.

  1. Local events designed to engage

As a DigiGurus member, you’re invited to attend local Tribe events built around learning and engaging with the rest of the network. Being part of the network has proven to increase breakthrough ideas, improve your forecasts, speed up your learning and boost the performance of your organisation.

  1. Optional exclusive, confidential peer-to-peer advisory boards

Gather monthly (online or offline) with a group of 7-10 fellow DigiGurus who can offer you direction based on their personal experiences. The industries are non-competing and everything discussed is strictly confidential so you can talk candidly with your peer group, gaining agenda-free perspectives from those who’ve faced similar challenges. Every session is facilitated by one of our curators for optimal results.

  1. Optional executive coaching from an accomplished business leader

Meet one-on-one every two months to discuss your most pressing challenges and opportunities. Your coach is your guide, offering their experience and directing you to the right resources and experts to help inform your most critical decisions. This is an optional service that is offered to our members as a premium service.

Ready to join?

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