Episode 63 / 2020.02.03
Matt Stein, Andrew Welch, Patrick Harrington, Jennifer Blumberg, Jonathan Melville, Marion Newlevant
#shoptalk #bizdev #roundtable

Matt Stein from Work­ing Con­cept hosts this episode all about the art of focus, joined by spe­cial guests Bran­don Kel­ly from Pix­el & Ton­ic and Ran­som Rober­son from Venveo.

The dev​Mode​.fm crew dis­cuss­es the very dif­fer­ent strate­gies we’ve each each adopt­ed to help us main­tain focus, and dis­cuss how work/​life bal­ance comes into play as well.

We learn that Matt spends an unusu­al amount of time com­pos­ing tweets, stemmed from his cur­rent obses­sion of typ­ing using an old-school typewriter.

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