Be a QA Player: Fight The Victim Mentality and Improve Your Agile Effectiveness.

Igor Goldshmidt
5 min readApr 15, 2024
Ayelet Melamed Cohen in HiTechistim Meetup

Let’s talk about something that might hit a little close to home for some of us QA engineers: the dreaded victim mentality. We’ve all been there — feeling like bugs are out to get us, developers are coding gremlins, and the entire project is destined to fail. But guess what? That mentality might be holding you back from being the awesome QA rockstar you were meant to be!

In this post, we’ll explore the victim mentality and its evil twin, the player mentality, according to Fred Kofman’s book The Meaning Revolution. We’ll explore why the victim mindset can be a trap for QA in Agile environments, especially Scrum teams, and how to shift your focus to become a true player in the game.

1. When the QA Becomes the Victim: A Recipe for Agile Anguish

Agile is all about collaboration and shared responsibility. But here’s the thing: when a QA sees themself as the victim of bugs and unrealistic deadlines, it can lead to some not-so-agile behaviors:

  • Finger-pointing: Bugs get found in production, and instead of focusing on a solution, the QA points the finger at the developer who wrote the code. This creates defensiveness and a breakdown in trust.
  • Defensiveness: When a developer suggests changing a test after a bug is found, the QA gets defensive, insisting their tests were perfect. This closes the door to collaboration and improvement.
  • Overwhelm and Shutting Down: Faced with a mountain of bugs and a looming deadline, the QA feels overwhelmed and shuts down, becoming paralyzed and unable to contribute effectively.

Why is this especially dangerous in Scrum? Scrum relies on open communication and trust. If the QA team constantly plays defense, it can create a huge communication gap between them and the developers. This gap can lead to missed deadlines, frustrated stakeholders, and a project that goes off the rails.

2. Spotting the Victim Among Us

How do you know if you (or someone on your team) are stuck in victim mode? Here are some red flags, along with explanations of why they matter:

  • Blaming others for bugs or missed deadlines deflects responsibility and hinders finding solutions.
  • Phrases like “It’s not my fault” or “I can’t do anything about it” become workplace anthems: These phrases shut down the possibility of taking ownership and finding proactive solutions.
  • A general sense of negativity and helplessness: This negativity can be contagious and bring down the entire team's morale.

3. The Player vs. The Victim: A Tale of Two Mindsets

Fred Kofman discusses two primary mindsets: the victim and the player. The victim sees themselves at the mercy of external forces, while the player takes ownership and believes they can influence the outcome.

Here’s the critical difference for QAs:

  • Victim: “This bug is impossible to find. There’s no way we’ll meet the deadline.” (Shuts down problem-solving and creates a sense of helplessness)
  • Player: “This bug is tricky, but I’m going to figure it out. Let’s talk to the developer and see if we can adjust the deadline if needed and maybe explore some new testing techniques.” (Focuses on solutions, collaboration, and taking ownership)

See the difference? The player takes responsibility, finds solutions, and is proactive.

4. Stepping Up Your Game: From Victim to Player

So, you’re ready to ditch the victim mentality and become a QA player? Here are some tips to get you started:

  • Focus on what you can control: You can’t control everything — last-minute changes, complex bugs, or unrealistic deadlines might happen. But you can control your attitude, effort, and how you react to these situations.
  • Shift your language: Instead of saying “I can’t,” rephrase it as “I’ll figure it out” or “Let’s explore some options.” This slight shift changes your mindset from one of limitation to possibility.
  • Embrace collaboration: Don’t see developers as the enemy. Work with them to find solutions, understand the code better, and improve your testing strategies.
  • Focus on learning: Every bug is a learning opportunity. Use it to improve your skills and knowledge.
  • Celebrate small wins: Finding a critical bug? Pat yourself on the back! Not only did you prevent a potential disaster, but you also showed the value you bring to the team.

5. Leading the Charge: Helping Your Team Become Players

As a QA or Dev Lead, you play a crucial role in fostering a player mentality in your team. Here’s how you can create an environment that empowers your QA heroes:

  • Encourage open communication: Create a safe space for everyone to discuss challenges, bugs, or concerns. This could involve regular team meetings focusing on open communication or setting up an anonymous feedback channel.
  • Celebrating wins (big and small): Recognition goes a long way in boosting morale and motivation. Did a QA member find a critical bug? Give them a shout-out in the team meeting or mention it to the stakeholders. Public recognition reinforces the value QAs bring to the project.
  • Focusing on solutions: When problems arise, focus on finding solutions together. Instead of dwelling on blame, ask questions like “What can we learn from this?” or “How can we prevent this from happening again?”
  • Lead by example: As a leader, your own attitude sets the tone for the team. Demonstrate a player mentality by taking ownership of challenges, focusing on solutions, and celebrating successes.

6. Exercise Your Mindset Muscle

Here are some exercises to help you and your team develop a player mindset, along with explanations of how to do them:

  • Reframe challenges: Instead of saying, “This is a problem,” say, “This is an opportunity to learn and improve.” This simple reframe shifts your perspective from one of negativity to one of growth.
  • Positive self-talk: Challenge negative thoughts and replace them with empowering affirmations. For example, instead of thinking, “I’m going to miss this deadline,” tell yourself, “I’m going to prioritize effectively and work efficiently to meet this deadline.”
  • Focus on progress, not perfection: It’s about moving forward, not being flawless. When working on a complex bug, celebrate small wins like identifying the root cause or narrowing down potential areas.

Remember, a team of QA players is a powerful force. You can create a more positive, productive, and successful Agile environment by ditching the victim mentality and embracing a player mindset.

Keep it up, QA Players!

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Created by me, edited by AI.

