
I asked my CEO a simple question on a 1:1 call.

I got, “Well, let me answer this the JD Graffam way.”

He set a scene.

Developed an arc.

Introduced conflict.

Helped me understand his vision.

Brought me into it.

I’m more invested in my part of the outcome now that I’ve heard that story.

He content marketed me into understanding and caring, and it was authentic (and probably strategic).

Never underestimate the value of a good story.

Your newsletter is telling one to your reader.

Make it worth reading.

This week’s edition of Opt In Weekly is loaded with inspiring stories and tips you can use to do just that.

Note: This Prologue is an adaptation of a post I made on LinkedIn that had solid engagement and grew my connections list. See more about LinkedIn content strategies in Ready to Improve Your LinkedIn Marketing Game? below.

Ashley Guttuso  

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