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The simplest way to update your app version.

Will auto update the following files:

android/app/build.gradle versionName
android/app/build.gradle versionCode
ios/{projectName}.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj MARKETING_VERSION
package.json "version"

🚀 Usage

Simply call npx react-native-version-setter [version] in your project root.

$: npm run setVersion 1.2.0
[RNVS] MyApp: 1.0.0: ==> 1.2.0 ✅ 

$: npm run setVersion 1.2.0
[RNVS] Version is already 1.2.0 🛑

👩‍💻 Freeform Versioning

In most cases it makes sense to use conventional semantic versioning.

From version 2, RNVS has full support for extended semVer syntax, like 1.2.3-alpha. These symbols are not supported on iOS, so they are stripped out automatically. They will be inserted as normal into android files and package.json.

⛳ Flags

-d: Runs with debug logging.

-r: Prepares version strings, but logs to console instead of writing to file.

-android: Set version for android only

-ios: Set version for iOS only

⚙️ Config

In most cases you won't need any config at all, but creating a .rnvs.json file in your project root will expose some extra options. Below are all accepted properties with example values.

  // RNVS uses the project name 
  // in package.json by default,
  // But your ios project name might differ.
  "iosProjectName": "MyApp"

💻 Compatibility

  • Compatible with iOS projects using Xcode 11+

🗺️ Roadmap

  • getVersion command
  • setVersion per-platform ✅ v2.1.0

👋 Troubleshooting

Version setting not working on new project

Ensure you have opened the generated .xcodeproj file at least once. On the first opening, Xcode will create the MARKETING_VERSION field that holds your app version. Prioed to this, there is nowhere to store the iOS version.

Need Help?

If you're after a new feature that isn't listed on the roadmap, or you're having trouble with this package, please open an issue.