Speaker Submission for WN Conference
Please answer the questions below and provide as much info as you can.
Please mind that this form submission does NOT guarantee that you will get a speaking slot or a seat on the panel.

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Which event you would like to present at? *
When do you want to give a talk? *
Our events are seasonal, so you can choose the one that works for you.
First Name *
Last Name *
Job Title *
Company Name *
As you want it to be listed in the program
Email *
Phone Number *
How would you like to present? *
Please share your professional bio / expertise for the panel discussion
If you chose panel discussion on the previous question
Session Title *
Session Description - brief *
3 sentences max
Session Description - detailed *
10 sentences max
Have you presented with this topic before? *
Which question would you like to answer after your presentation? *
Please submit at least one question to be asked by the moderator after the talk to warm up the crowd before the Q&A session.
Please let us know in which time zone you are located *
Target Audience *
Please share a link to your presentation slides if you have them already
May we distribute the recording of your speech via the WN Hub after the online session? *
Please share a link to your company logo *
Please share a link to your photo   *
HD full face head shot for the speakers carousel on the website
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