Double Your React Coding Speed With This Simple Trick

Aleksey Kozin
JavaScript in Plain English
15 min readJan 22, 2021


Small reusable building blocks

If you work with React or React Native, feel that your coding speed is slow, spend your time catching bugs, and not adding new features, work with long source files and have a hard time finding stuff, and implement the same logic over and over again, you will double your coding speed if you refactor your code into reusable building blocks.

With reusable React components [and hooks] it’s trivial to build something awesome. It’s like snapping Lego pieces together. 👍

Cory House, Designing Reusable React Components

How you will learn

We will look at a React component, that has been written by a developer like you. And we will step by step refactor it to the superior level. Expect to receive lots of insights, that will boost your React coding speed.

Refactor, refactor and refactor — it’s normal; you’ll have to change your code many, many times; it’s a natural learning process.

Tomas Eglinskas, The most important lessons I’ve learned after a year of working with React

  • This article will contain lots of React code. Do not be afraid of the code. Take your time reading and understanding it. If you have any questions feel free to ask them in the comments, I will reply 10 times of 10.
  • It’s a big article. The content is comprehensive. Feel free to save this article in your tabs and read it in several attempts.
  • Even tho the code will be in React Native you can easily use this article to boost your React skills.

Good luck and have fun!

The original React component we will refactor

A simple component, that has been written by a developer like you. What does it do:

  • Fetches a list of browsers from a backend
  • Shows “loading” state on a screen while is loading
  • Shows the loaded browsers as a list of cards
  • When a user presses on a card it shows a modal window with a detailed browser description

Does this code look like your code?

What is good about this component

  • It works, eg: the list will be downloaded and shown to a user with all the described above features.
  • It uses React Hooks.

What is bad about this component

This component is a monolith, eg: this component was designed and built to be used in 1 place in 1 app only once.

Remember this mantra:

The art of being a fast developer is an art of writing reusable building blocks.

The more reusable your components and function are, the faster you are. This gives you enormous leverage:

  • You spend less time typing code. Reusable components/functions can hide tons of code inside of them and can be used 100 times. And you will need to implement them only once. Imagine implementing HTTP protocol each time you’re using “fetch(URL)”, that would slow you down.
  • You spend even less time typing code. It is faster to add new features into one place than to add them into 10 different places. If you reuse your building blocks, you have that one place to add your features. Add a feature in one place and get results everywhere.
  • You spend less time catching bugs. You will use already tried and tested building blocks. New code needs to be tested, but the old code can be trusted.
  • You spend less time reading code. If you reuse a building block, it saves you time on code comprehension. It is easy to build programs from familiar pieces.
  • You spend even less time reading code. Separated reusable building blocks could be moved in different files, thus you will work with smaller modules, and there will be less code clutter on your screen. This will boost your code comprehension.

As a developer, it is common to spend more time figuring out what the code does rather than actually writing code.

Alexis Mangin, Why React developers should modularize their applications?

  • You write fewer tests for your reusable building blocks. Tests make your life sweet as honey, but with a monolith, you will find yourself testing the same logic again and again. More reusable building blocks = fewer tests.

Monolith = slow coding

Reusable building blocks = fast coding

How to make these 100 lines of code more reusable

Let’s try something really basic and simple first and then move to advanced stuff. How can we enable the use of these 100 lines in multiple places?

Move constants to props of your component

We moved the URL constant to props and already we can reuse the Browser component with a different URL. Small reuse impact for sure, but is very easy to implement.

Warmed up? Let’s try something really cool then.

Split apart business logic and view logic

Life is simpler when UI components are unaware of the network, business logic, or app state. Given the same props, always render the same data.

Eric Elliott, The Missing Introduction to React

This is the most important part of this article. If you can learn only one thing, let it be:

The art of being a fast React developer is an art of separating business logic from view logic.

Wow, such a spike of complexity! Fear not, I will guide you.

Business logic: The stuff that makes decisions and stores state, eg: everything in <Browsers /> body above return.

View logic: Everything that displays the state on a screen and reads the user’s input, eg: everything in return (…)

Let’s make a small step forward and split our component into 2 parts and then check how it will make our code more reusable.

What we will do:

  • Created a custom React hook useBrowsers() for our business logic
  • Created a React component <BrowsersList /> with lots of props for our view logic

Ok, we are moving somewhere, our code is far from perfect, but it became a bit more reusable:

  • We can use <BrowsersList /> with a different data source. Before we were bound to use data only from a remote HTTP endpoint; but now we can get it from memory/disc/or any other place.
  • We can use useBrowsers() with a different screen, or even without any screen. For example, we can use useBrowsers() in a different app with a different design.

But this split is far from perfect! We still can make this code much more reusable.

Reusable building blocks = fast coding

Split your code into many small reusable files

First things first. Splitting the monolith into 2 parts opened new possibilities for refactoring. We can make our program more readable (and you faster) if split our code into different files/modules. This will allow us to think about each module in isolation. And make each module more readable and reusable.

Typical React project file structure

This is a typical React project file structure:

  • index.js exports <Browsers /> from Browsers.jsx
  • “components” and “hooks” folders store building blocks related to <Browsers /> component.
  • BrowsersList.jsx can also evolve into a folder with related “hooks”, “components” and index

React project file structure is a recursive tree.

Possible recursive React project structure

Read more about React project structure in an article by David Gilbertson:

Let’s check our BrowsersList.jsx

Ah, yeah, much less code. Feels much less cluttered. Now we can focus our minds on refactoring this part of the code.

Less clutter on screen = fast coding

But before we make this component more reusable let me address a big issue of the current design.

The BIG issue with many small reusable files

Check our <BrowsersList /> function signature:

  • If we rename some props, for example, ‘changeDescription’ to ‘setSelectedBrowser’, or ‘description’ to ‘browser’
  • Or if will delete some props
  • Or will add new props

Then each place where we use <BrowsersList /> will break!

Each time you change a signature of a component you break each place of your code that uses this component. And you will change signatures a lot, it’s hard to make a perfect signature on day one, eg: design often emerging from your typing code. And because we are focusing on making lots of highly reusable components we will get breaks in many places.

Your IDE can’t rename such props via automated refactoring. You will need to do it by hand. Manually check every place of use. This is slow coding.

And the worst part is that we will get a break and will not know it. The only way to catch that break is to:

  • Run our app
  • Manually navigate to the broken component and
  • Get a crash
  • Read the crash text
  • Fix the bug and try again

It a slow and tedious task. This is how nasty bugs get to production. And this happens a lot.

Check our Browsers.jsx, is it broken?

Who knows! To be sure we need to open BrowsersList.jsx and useBrowsers.js and manually compare arguments.

Is this code broken?

Yes. “descripton” in useBrowsers.js is missing “i”, it’s a typo.

Many Junior developers spend hours and hours debugging their apps and trying to find which prop has been broken, or which prop received incorrect data (string instead of a number). But there is a fast solution to this issue.

Stop slow coding with JavaScript, start fast coding with TypeScript

It’s 2021 and every React / React Native developer should use TypeScript. There are literally zero reasons not to use TypeScript.

It Might Look Scary

To us, the benefits of TypeScript dramatically outweigh the downsides — which do exist. Most notable to us is the additional training cost.

The most obvious solution to that problem is to phase features in slowly — you can simply enable TypeScript without changing any code, add some simple type declarations. In the end, our experience is that one can reap a lot of benefits with the most basic use of TypeScript.

Felix Rieseberg, TypeScript at Slack

Cool TypeScript features

Fewer bugs. Fewer bugs = faster coding

TypeScript saves you from bugs

We found our “i” typo:

TypeScript Magic highlights errors

Your IDE will receive an autocomplete feature for React props. This especially saves you time when you are using third party components with unknown props:

TypeScript Magic autocompletes props

Your idea will receive a “refactor name” feature. This will save you time on renaming props. All use of a prop will be automatically renamed in one click.

You will never again forget to add null/undefined check.

? — means that the parameter can be undefined

And of course, we will get an error highlight if we try to put invalid data into our prop:

TypeScript Magic checks if props are correct

TypeScript easily saves you tons of hours and the stress of debugging code.

JavaScript = slow coding

TypeScript = fast coding

The first step in fast system design: define your types.

This is not a comprehensive TypeScript tutorial. If you feel stuck, please, refer to and then come back.

Let’s return to our <BrowsersList /> component and define some types for its props (don’t forget to rename your file from .jsx to .tsx).

And update our useBrowsers() signature:

Now TypeScript will validate that useBrowsers() and BrowsersList are compatible. If we ever change BrowsersList props, we will get an error. This alone guarantees far fewer bugs in production.

Fewer bugs = faster coding

Rapid system architecture

BrowsersListProps currently looks messy:

  • The component should show a loading state. Uses 1 line in the type definition.
  • Should display a list of Browser[]. Uses 1 line in the type definition.
  • Should show a modal window with a detailed browser description. Uses 4 lines in the type definition. These lines limit us to show the “description” field in our modal window. And it feels that chances are that we will need to display more fields of a Browser in this modal. Remember, it is very expensive/slow to change a component signature.

We can make a lucky guess and get our type definition shorter and refactor the “modal window” feature to use Browser type.

This will reduce props complexity:

TypeScript Magic checks if a signature is correct

This small refactoring exercise should demonstrate to you one more remarkable feature of TypeScript: fast system design.

It is very easy to write types. They are physically small (4 lines of types vs 60 lines of an actual component) but contain lots of information about your system. Thus you can write some types and design your program without actually writing any code. This saves you lots and lots of architecture time. This allows your design to emerge from use, and emerge fast.

The first step in any system design: define your types.

Architecture and planning with TypeScript types = fast coding

After you have defined your types you can start fill component’s body

Let’s fix our <BrowsersList /> so it would handle a new BrowsersListProps signature. We can refactor <BrowserItem /> so it would take only 2 props instead of a plethora. This will make the code much more readable, and us faster.

If your component has lots of props its a nice hint for a possible refactor

This component already looks a lot readable and less frightful.

Less clutter on screen = fast coding

Extracting reusable <UIFriendlyList /> logic from <BrowsersList />

Just by observing a component, a developer gets lots of different feels. For example, I feel that “display loading state for a list” in <BrowsersList /> is a very cool feature. So cool, that it will most likely be used in many different components.

Now we are getting somewhere. We found some gold. This is potentially a very useful and reusable feature of our app. But currently, it is coupled with the <BrowsersList /> component and we can’t reuse it in a different place. Let’s fix it.

We want to make a new <UIFriendlyList /> and use it instead of a simple <FlatList />. This <UIFriendlyList /> will have the ability to show a loading state.

As always we start by defining some types:

  • “T” is a type argument. Types with arguments called Generic. “T” for a “UIFriendlyList<T>” is the same, as “arg” for a function “foo(arg)”. If you want to construct your type from another type you use a Generic. For more info check this article by Ross Bulat:
  • “&” is Intersection. “type X = A & B” means, that X will contain A and B.

Check this power move:

  • We define the type for our props UIFriendlyListProps.
  • We define a Generic type, eg: the list can contain inside items of any type.
  • UIFriendlyListProps extend FlatListProps from the React Native library with our “loading state” feature
  • So we define UIFriendlyListProps type as Intersection Type from FlatListProps and {loading?: boolean}

How cool is that?

I’m happy with this design, lets make a body of this component and move it into a different file UIFriendlyList.jsx

We also added an empty state. So a user would be sure that the list is empty and is not waiting for data to arrive. Very friendly UI feature.

<UIFriendlyList /> is a highly reusable component, and will save us time in the future for sure. With this component, we became a faster React developer.

Now, let's check our <BrowsersList />:

That is what I’m talking about. This component is much easier to understand, compare with the original BrowsersList. And we got a reusable <UIFriendlyList /> that will save us time for sure. We can go even deeper and assume that we want to reuse ModalWindow+List logic, but let’s stop here.

This process of “extracting reusable parts”, is endless and consumes time. You should stop yourself if feel that you can spend time more productive in another place.

We humans tend to write code as a form of procrastination. Delaying solving the hard problems we have now, by solving the hypothetical problems of the future.

Justin Travis Waith-Mair, Stop Writing Reusable React Components

We are finished with view logic, it’s time to check business logic in useBrowsers() hook.

Refactoring the business logic in useBrowsers() hook

Just like components, we can create custom reusable Hooks. This makes the code more readable because the code base is divided into smaller, reusable chunks

Bikash Paneru, How To Write Better Functional Components in React

Let’s refactor useBrowsers() to return a valid BrowsersListProps object. I also refactored “loading”: now it will set to “true” before fetch and set to “false” after.

Looks actually nice but we can go deeper and extract a reusable building block. This “fetch URL and store the result in a state while showing loading” thing looks like a highly reusable building block. We want to decouple it from useBrowsers().

As always let’s start by defining some types. We want to make useFetch() hook that can store fetched data in a state and also indicate loading. We also want to define the shape of data we are getting from our endpoint as FetchBrowsersResults:

Looking good, now let's define useFetch() body and move it to a dedicated file useFetch.ts:

I also added an Alert on fetch exception. Thus a user would see an error description.

useFetch() is a highly reusable function and will save us time in the future for sure. With this function, we became a faster React developer.

Now let’s refactor useBrowsers() hook:

Compare to the original useBrowsers() it is so much smaller and easy to understand.

I can’t see any more reusable logic to extract from this component. So let’s move further.

4 easy tips on how to become a faster React developer.

We have finished with the main part, let’s relax a bit. I will give you 4 easy tips.

1. Never format your code by hand

Your IDE should provide you with an “auto reformat code” feature. Your React project should contain .eslintrc.js and .prettierrc.js files. They configure linting (red lines) and code style. You should be able to apply these stiles by pressing a hotkey:

Auto reformat feature

2. Never import modules by hand

Your IDE should provide you with an “auto import” feature. Never type “../../../” by hand, or waste your time by manually typing/deleting imports.

Check this “auto import” feature in action:

Add all missing imports feature

3. Jump around like a pro

If you build your project from small reusable parts, you will have lots of small reusable files and components. It will soon become clear for you, that navigation with “mouse and opened tabs” and “picking a file in a files list” becomes almost impossible.

Check this huge file structure of a tiny mobile app:

The huge file structure of a React app

Do you know the pain of trying to find the correct file in your tabs?

10 tabs open, where is the file I’m looking for?

Your IDE should provide you with these helpful tools:

  • jump to file by a search string
  • jump to a component by a search string
  • jump to the previously opened file
  • jump to a definition of a component under your cursor
  • jump to component usage

Study your IDE’s hotkeys. This will make your developer’s experience smooth as butter.

4. Use ESLint linting

Every React developer knows the pain of a wrong useEffect/Memo/Callback hook dependency. They are always hard to find errors:

Finding these errors without linting is very hard

ESLint allows caching these errors with no effort.

Development tools such as eslint and typescript helps with maintaining the codebase within a large team. A good developer knows how to code. A great developer knows how to work in a team.

Roman Nguyen, Architecting your React application. The development and business perspective of what to be aware of

All these features are available in Webstorm IDE. I recommend you to use Webstorm for TypeScript React development.

Conclusion: The art of making reusable building blocks

The art of being a fast developer is an art of writing reusable building blocks.

To be fast you need:

  • Separate business logic from the view logic
  • Use TypeScript to experiences fewer bugs
  • Use TypeScript to enable powerful IDE features: linting, name refactoring, autocompletion
  • Define TypeScript types before writing code for the rapid architecture design
  • Split your code into many small reusable files to reduce clutter
  • Ask your IDE to format code and import modules
  • Jump around files with hotkeys
  • Practice refactoring

We have successfully refactored our <Browsers /> component. Check the original Browsers component: it’s a huge, hard to understand monolith. Code like this feels heavy and slows us down.

Look at this light as feather beauty:

We have made an easy to understand component + extracted 2 very handy highly reusable parts:

  • useFetch()
  • <UIFriendlyList />

We can use these parts in different places of our app and maybe even in different apps. This will speed up our development process for sure.

Play around with the code from the article

Check the Final Results in the Codesandbox playground to play around and learn even more. This code is written in React, expect it a bit to defer from the React Native code in the article.

What's next

  • Read a lot
  • Practice a lot
  • Ask questions. Especially under this article in the comment section

And the last but the MOST important:

  • Automatically test React components
  • Practice TDD

The testing part will feel confusing to jump in, but it will make your life sweet as a lollipop. Check this article by Ian Wilson, it’s a good place to start your testing journey:

Train your craft daily, and with time you will become a master.

Good luck and have fun!



Freelancer (Upwork Top Rated Plus). Full-stack Azure cloud developer. JavaScript and TypeScript connoisseur.