AOSP: Creating a System Application

Victor Apoyan
7 min readJan 20, 2021
Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash


  • Download Android Open Source Project
  • Build Android Open Source Project
  • Build an Android Application inside AOSP
  • Build an Android Application with Native Code inside AOSP
  • Build an Android Application with .so and .jar libraries.
  • Build a System Application


If you don’t have enough powerful PC, most probably your build will take hours and it’s not a fact that you will succeed in the end.

On my PC which has the following configuration, building Android 10 takes ~ 25 minutes.

Download Android Open Source Project

Below are the steps describing the download and build process of AOSP (steps are described for Linux machine)

Initialize Repo Client

Create a directory where source code will be downloaded

$ mkdir aosp
$ cd aosp

Configure Git (you can skip this step if this was ever done before)

$ git config --global "Your Name"
$ git config --global ""

Get the latest version of Repo. You must specify a URL for the manifest, which specifies where the various repositories included in the Android source are placed within your working directory.

$ repo init -u -b android-10.0.0_r41

It’s better not to use master branch, you can specify a different branch after -b . A list of available branches can be found here.

Download Source Code Tree

To download the source tree call the command below

$ repo sync -jx -c

where x is the number of threads, In my case command will look lile

repo sync -j32 -c

Building the Android Open Source Project

After successfully syncing the source code you can start building Android Open Source Project

Setup The Environment

Type the command below in your terminal

$ source build/

this will setup build environment for you.

Choosing a Target

You can build the Android Open Source Project for different targets: Phone, Auto, TV, etc. To select a target type

$ lunch

This command will show you a list of available build targets,

select a target by typing the number and pressing Enter or by typing the name of the target and pressing the Enter.

Let’s say you want to build for Android Auto then type for example 8 and press Enter (for phone emulator select one of 25 or 26). After the target is selected you can start building my typing in the terminal

$ m

this will start a build which depending on the power of your machine will take from 20 minutes to 9 hours. On my machine, the initial build takes

After a successful build, it’s time to run on an emulator, to do that just type

$ emulator

Building a Simple Application

Now we want to add an application and build it inside of AOSP. Here we have two options we can place our application in the

  • aosp/packages/apps
  • aosp/vendor/awsome/packages/app

the second directory does not exist and you should create it, instead of awsome you can specify any name the rest should be unchanged.

$ mkdir vendor/awsome/packages/app

I will go with the second approach. Create a folder with your application name, let’s say in our case it’s HelloAosp with the following structure

- AndroidManifest.xml
+ res
+ values
- strings.xml
+ src
+ com
+ example
+ helloaosp

Now let’s see what should be content of each file

This file will be used to build your source code. You can read more about here.


Nothing special in the manifest file a standard AndroidManifest.xml.


Again nothing special, an activity which will print “Hello AOSP” as soon as the application will be launched.

Important: Now we need to tell our build system that we want to include this application into AOSP, so we can see it after we run the system image in the emulator or real device. To do so open a file


there you should see something like

Bluetooth \
CarDeveloperOptions \
OneTimeInitializer \
Provision \
SystemUpdater \

add HelloAosp at the end of the line.

Now it’s the right time to build the android open source project with your application and deploy it on the emulator, for that just do

$ m

and after the successful build

$ emulator -no-snapshot &

wait a bit and after the emulator launched you can see that your HelloAosp application is there and if you click on the icon it will show on the screen “Hello AOSP!”


Building an application with Native Code

Let’s now add a bit of spice to our application. Let’s say we want to do some native calls from our HelloAosp application. Our C developers kindly provided us a hello-aosp.c file that has a method that is returning.

Hello AOSP from JNI

So we need to modify the current application structure as following

- AndroidManifest.xml
+ res
+ values
- strings.xml
+ src
+ com
+ example
+ helloaosp
+ jni
- hello-aosp.c

As you can see we added a new folder called jni where we will add C code and needed .mk files for building that code.


Here we specified the C file name and the name of the library libhello-aosp which we will get as a result of the build.


you can read more about here.


Also, we need to modify of the main project and files.

The difference between old and new files are only one line


with this line, we are telling our application that we have a jni library which we would like to use.

In the java file, we need to load the jni library, please note that here you need to specify the name of the library without lib prefix, so instead of libhello-aosp we just write hello-aosp. Also, we need to define the native methods with keyword native, this means the methods are implemented in the library, and when you call stringFromJNI a method which is in the hello-aosp.c file will be called.

Now last two steps

$ m

and after the successful build

$ emulator -no-snapshot &

Run your application on the emulator and you will see the message Hello AOSP from JNI on your screen.

Building an application with .so and .jar libraries.

Now we need to build our HelloAosp application but this time our developers provided us a .jar library which is a jni library which is depending on several .so files.

Now project structure will look like

- AndroidManifest.xml
+ res
+ values
- strings.xml
+ src
+ com
+ example
+ helloaosp
+ libs
- hello-aosp.jar

So several lines were added in the file:


this line tells the build system that we want to use hello-aosp.jar library which is a static java library.

include $(BUILD_MULTI_PREBUILT)include $(call all-makefiles-under,$(LOCAL_PATH))

this block of code tells our build system that we have a static java library that is already built and should be used. you can give any name to your library


but also you need to provide the same name for


and with the last change, we are telling the build system that we have prebuild jni libraries

$(foreach FILE,$(shell find $(LOCAL_PATH)/libs/ -name *.so), $(eval JNI_LIBS += $(FILE)))

this is a shortened way of writing, if you have more then 3 libraries I think it is better to use a shortened way, instead of writing each library one by one, in this case, you don’t care if you add or remove one .so file


That’s it, now you can build the application and run it on the emulator.

Building a System application

To run our application with system privileges you need to modify few lines in the AndroidManifest.xml and files.

- AndroidManifest.xml
+ res
+ values
- strings.xml
+ src
+ com
+ example
+ helloaosp


add following two lines to AndroidManifest.xml



and lines above to the file

