CocoaPods 1.8 Beta is Here!

CocoaPods 1.8 switches the CDN as the default spec repo source and comes with a few enhancements!

CDN as Default

CDN support was first introduced in the 1.7 release and was finalized in 1.7.2. It aims to speed up initial setup and dependency analysis dramatically. With 1.8, CocoaPods no longer requires cloning the now huge master specs repo in order to function and users may integrate their projects with CocoaPods almost instantly.

Here's video demonstration of integrating and building an iOS project with a fresh install of CocoaPods 1.8 in less than a minute:

You may safely delete the master specs repo with the following steps:

First, edit your Podfile to set the CDN as the primary source:

- source ''
+ source ''

Afterwards, run the following command to remove it from your managed repo list:

pod repo remove master

Note: If you wish to continue using the git based source then you must ensure it is explicitly specified in your Podfile via the source DSL, otherwise CocoaPods will automatically use CDN for dependency resolution.

And that's it! For more information regarding CDN, please read our previous blog post here!

info_plist Podspec DSL

CocoaPods automatically generates Info.plist files for pods, app specs and test specs when appropriate, such as when a Podfile requires dynamic frameworks by specifying the use_frameworks! option.

Podspecs now support modifying the contents of their generated Info.plist files via the info_plist DSL. While we anticipate this will be most often used to modify the bundle identifier of a framework, any key-value pair can be included. The values specified will overwrite any default values that are included by CocoaPods.

Here's an example: do |s|         = 'NetworkingLib'
  s.version      = '1.0.0'

  # of attributes here

  s.info_plist = {
    'CFBundleIdentifier' => 'com.awesomecompany.networking',
    'SERVER_URL' => ''

With app specs introduced in 1.7, pod authors were able to describe an application, such as a demo app, for their pods. The new info_plist DSL enhances the functionality of app specs even further by allowing podspecs to customize the generated Info.plist, which contains important settings such as the bundle identifier, iOS security and privacy settings, device orientation support, and more. do |s|         = 'ToastLib'
  s.version      = '1.0.0'

  # of attributes here

  s.app_spec 'ToastCatalog' do |app_spec|
    app_spec.info_plist = {
      'CFBundleIdentifier' => 'com.bakery.ToastCatalog',
      'UISupportedInterfaceOrientations' => [
      'UILaunchStoryboardName' => 'LaunchScreen',
      'UIMainStoryboardFile' => 'AppStoryboard',
      'NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription' => 'ToastCatalog uses your location to find nearby Toast!'

It's important to note that the info_plist attribute will have no effect in situations where an Info.plist file is not generated, such as when pods are integrated as static libraries. If your library requires data that's included in the Info.plist to always be present, we recommend including it as a resource instead.

For more details on how this works and the rational behind it, check out the RFC here.

project_name Podfile DSL

CocoaPods 1.7 introduced the generate_multiple_pod_projects option that installs each pod into its own Xcode project. CocoaPods 1.8 expands further by introducing the project_name DSL that allows pod consumers to specify the project name to integrate a given pod.

This opens up plenty of new possibilities for consumers to group certain pods together that make sense logically. Consider the following example:

install! 'cocoapods', :generate_multiple_pod_projects => true

target 'MyApp' do

  pod 'Moya', :project_name => 'Networking'
  pod 'Alamofire', :project_name => 'Networking'
  pod 'Result', :project_name => 'Networking'

  target 'MyAppTests' do
    inherit! :search_paths
    pod 'OCMock', :project_name => 'Testing'

Will produce the following result:

It is up to the consumers to choose their own grouping and provide helper methods in their Podfile that automatically apply the project name to use. For example, another grouping idea is to group pods by their platform such as iOS or macOS.

Note: The project_name option currently requires the generate_multiple_pod_projects installation option to also be enabled in order for it to function. Incremental installation has also been updated to take into consideration the project name used for each pod and will continue to work as expected.

Test Spec Enhancements

Test specs have become an integral part of CocoaPods and a couple new features have been added.

UI Test Bundle Support

Support for "UI Test Bundles" is now possible and you may now specify the test_type to use for a given test_spec. The default will be :unit which would create a unit test bundle. Consider the following example of our favorite pod CannonPodder: do |s|         = 'CannonPodder'
  s.version      = '1.0.0'

  # of attributes here

  s.test_spec 'UITests' do |test_spec|
    test_spec.requires_app_host = true
    test_spec.test_type = :ui
    test_spec.source_files = 'UITests/**/*.swift'

This will successfully integrate a CannonPodder-UI-UITests UI test bundle upon installation and will automatically create an app host to be used for it.

Note: UI test bundles require an app host in order to function, therefore you must always specify requires_app_host should you choose to integrate a test spec as a UI test bundle.

Customizable App Host

For most cases, a generated app host for your test spec should be sufficient to execute your tests within it. However, there are cases in which pod authors may want to further customize the app host used for a test_spec.

For example, pod authors may want to specify additional dependencies for their app host or resource bundles to use during testing. App specs are an excellent candidate for this since they provide most of the scaffolding and with 1.8 it is now possible to set an app_spec as the app host for a test_spec via the app_host_name DSL.

Here's an example: do |s|         = 'CannonPodder'
  s.version      = '1.0.0'

  # of attributes here

  s.app_spec 'DemoApp' do |app_spec|
    app_spec.source_files = 'DemoApp/**/*.swift'
    # Dependency used only by this app spec.
    app_spec.dependency 'Alamofire'

  s.test_spec 'Tests' do |test_spec|
    test_spec.requires_app_host = true
    # Use 'DemoApp' as the app host.
    test_spec.app_host_name = 'CannonPodder/DemoApp'

    # of attributes here

    # This is required since 'DemoApp' is specified as the app host.
    test_spec.dependency 'CannonPodder/DemoApp'

Will produce the following result:

This powerful new feature opens up new possibilities for pod authors who want much more granular control for the app host used for their test specs.

What's Next?

CocoaPods 1.8 is a very exciting release, and we're very happy for you to try it out, and recommend you upgrade:

$ gem install cocoapods --pre

For future versions, we continue to explore new ways to allow pod authors and pod consumers to configure integrating pods into their project, for example by specifying individual package or linkage settings. We have published a proposal that we are currently exploring and we welcome your comments!

As always, we would like to thank all of our contributors for making this release a reality!

Checkout the changelog to get the full list of changes.
