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A JS/TS Library to download and install a new apk version of mobile apps. Wrapper of react-native-apk-installer-n with support to legacy android versions. Design to update existing applications e.g.: if you have app A and needs to update it from inside itself, you should create a update Alert that will use this lib to download and install the respective apk from your http server/api.


npm install @douugbr/react-native-apk-update

# For older RN versions
react-native link @douugbr/react-native-apk-update

These are also needed as peer dependencies:

npm install react-native-device-info
npm install react-native-fs

Basic Usage

import { installRemoteApk } from 'react-native-apk-update';
import { useState } from 'react';

// ...

const [downloadProgress, setDownloadProgress] = useState < number > 0;
  (downloadInfo) => {
    setDownloadProgress(downloadInfo.bytesWritten / downloadInfo.contentLength);


async installApk(filePath: string)

filePath: The local uri where your apk is located.

async installRemoteApk(remoteUrl: string, filename: string, callback?: (downloadInfo: RNFS.DownloadProgressCallbackResult) => void, absoluteFilePath?: string)

remoteUrl: The url in which your apk is served. filename: The filename which will be saved in your documents folder. callback: A callback that will track the apk download progress (not the install one). Example above. absoluteFilePath: A filepath to save the file, if not specified the file will be saved on documents folder.


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Special Thanks
