Business | Schumpeter

Revenge of the nerds

Silicon Valley’s geeks are trying to turn themselves into jocks

AS THE new year dawned Mark Zuckerberg informed the world that his resolution for 2016 was to run 365 miles over the coming year—and challenged his legions of Facebook followers to do likewise. Mr Zuckerberg has hit his target, and is now hard at work on his next challenge, competing in a triathlon. This summer he fell off his bike and broke his arm but forges on as best he can.

Gone are the days when geeks wore shapeless T-shirts to prove that they didn’t care about physical appearances. Now they wear tight tops designed to show off their arms and torsos. Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO, gets on the treadmill by five in the morning. Jack Dorsey, Twitter’s boss, is a fan of squats, push-ups and jogging. Brian Chesky, a co-founder of Airbnb, was once a competitive bodybuilder. Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk both reportedly have “pecs to die for”.

This article appeared in the Business section of the print edition under the headline "Revenge of the nerds"

Cheating death: The science that can extend your lifespan

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