Speed Up Swift: Faster SwiftSyntaxMacros Package Compilation Part 2.

Ruslan Alikhamov
Published in
8 min readNov 9, 2023


How to enable concurrent compilation of `swift-syntax` in the most optimal way?

Photo by Morgan Housel on Unsplash


I have explored a simpler approach of optimizing swift-syntax compilation duration in Part 1 of these series, and now I am going to take you into the journey of a very sophisticated approaches which I have tried to use to optimize Swift code for a better Type Checker performance.

You’ll learn how I came up with ideas that didn’t work, and how I leveraged the experience of knowing what does not work to create a better and clearer working solution.

Let’s dive in!

Overview of swift-syntax

Package swift-syntax consists of several packages, out of which only 2 are important within the context of this article:

  1. swift-syntax
  2. CodeGeneration

While swift-syntax is used by SwiftSyntaxMacros, it is also used by CodeGeneration package within swift-syntax repository. Now, the interesting part: CodeGeneration generates code using swift-syntax which then would be used inside of… swift-syntax ☯️.

“generated” groups are the ones which are generated by `CodeGeneration` package

In my previous PR to apple/swift-syntax I have mentioned some of the Type Checker slowness within the generated section of swift-syntax, which was not addressed at that time. The reason for this is simple: it was nowhere near as simple to do as it might have seemed.

Anatomy of CodeGeneration in swift-syntax

Code generation process in swift-syntax/CodeGeneration package is done step-by-step in the file named GenerateSwiftSyntax.swift . There is a smart optimization done by Apple engineers in this file for splitting large files into multiple smaller ones, similar technique I have used when team at Qonto was reducing the test build time by more than 45%.

fileSpecs += ["AB", "C", "D", "EF", "GHI", "JKLMN", "OP", "QRS", "TUVWXYZ"].flatMap { (letters: String) -> [GeneratedFileSpec] in
GeneratedFileSpec(swiftSyntaxGeneratedDir + ["syntaxNodes", "SyntaxNodes\(letters).swift"], syntaxNode(nodesStartingWith: Array(letters))),
GeneratedFileSpec(swiftSyntaxGeneratedDir + ["raw", "RawSyntaxNodes\(letters).swift"], rawSyntaxNodesFile(nodesStartingWith: Array(letters))),

Other than this, files are generated based on “templates”, which are nothing like Stencil templates used in Sourcery. These templates are written using Swift programming language, in a very similar way to how Swift macros is written. Files are defined using SourceFileSyntax type, and different blocks are then used to fill in the contents accordingly.

Attempt #1: Split Big Files

What caught my eye was the fact that some files were very big and were taking a significant amount of time to compile:

Total compilation of swift-syntax was around 12.5 seconds

Having a good experience with splitting Swift source files into multiple files to optimize compilation pipeline, I have tried and split these files into separate files, for every struct there would be a separate .swift source file. Did this improve compilation duration as much as I have expected, by 50%? I was very naïve, and failed miserably:

Total compilation of swift-syntax was increased by almost 4 seconds!

Even though files were split substantially, there are simply not enough CPU cores to fully parallelize the workload. And so, the first attempt failed. I have moved on to the next one: smart optimization based on intrinsic details of every use case. I could also notice that Swift Engineers at Apple have tested the performance of type-checker in this package tinkering with the code generation configuration with good care and attention.

Attempt #2: Manual Optimization of Generated Code

To “try and see” if the new approach for code generation would work prior to further modifying templates in CodeGeneration package, I have decided to manually tinker with the code and see what are the weak spots and what can be done. Let me say, it was very hard to figure out what was going on wrongly, and even harder to optimize.

My attention caught the slowest code to compile, which is located in swift-syntax/SwiftSyntax/generated/ChildNameForKeyPath.swift . This file contains a simple function with a very large (~3454 LoC) switch statement. This method heavily relies on type inference for matching AnyKeyPath against all of the implicitly-typed case labels, using key-path operator \. My approach was to split the switch statement alphabetically.

/// If the keyPath is one from a layout structure, return the property name
/// of it.
public func childName(_ keyPath: AnyKeyPath) -> String? {
switch keyPath {}

/// If the keyPath is one from a layout structure, return the property name
/// of it.
public func childNameB(_ keyPath: AnyKeyPath) -> String? {
switch keyPath {}

/// If the keyPath is one from a layout structure, return the property name
/// of it.
public func childNameC(_ keyPath: AnyKeyPath) -> String? {
switch keyPath {}

/// If the keyPath is one from a layout structure, return the property name
/// of it.
public func childNameD(_ keyPath: AnyKeyPath) -> String? {
switch keyPath {}


While it seemed like it helped, in actuality it just split the same amount of time, now across multiple functions, needed for the type-checker to match the types as it was originally.

Instead of 90ms for a single method, 3 methods were taking around 32 ms to type-check

Total compilation duration was not affected, and so, attempt #2 failed. But it gave me the clue for the next attempt, now in the SyntaxVisitor.swift file. Hint: the problem is not about the size of the switch statement, but rather about “something else”, and in every case it is different.

I’d also like to mention though that with this “smart split” of a large switch statement, the performance of Xcode source editor was improved, in a way that the scrolling and find/replace operations were way faster and even smooth!

Attempt #3: SyntaxVisitor.swift

SyntaxVisitor is a large Swift file which provides essential features for traversing through Swift code structures and expressions. For that there is a method named visit(_ node: Syntax). This method calls a private method named visitationFunc and this is the method which takes more than 400 ms to compile on M1 Max SoC with 32 GB of RAM.

The code in visitationFunc is simple: it uses a large switch statement, cases in which return a closure, and within this closure the following code is executed:

return {
self.visitImpl($0, YieldedExpressionsClauseSyntax.self, self.visit, self.visitPost)

The method visitImpl has the following signature:

private func visitImpl<NodeType: SyntaxProtocol>(
_ node: Syntax,
_ nodeType: NodeType.Type,
_ visit: (NodeType) -> SyntaxVisitorContinueKind,
_ visitPost: (NodeType) -> Void

Here there are multiple hints on how to approach this slowness of Type Checker:

  1. Avoid use of Generics
  2. Avoid type inference of the closure argument

Although it sounds reasonable, it did not help at all:

return { (arg: Syntax) in
self.visitImpl(arg, AccessorBlockSyntax.self, self.visit, self.visitPost)

Then I have tried to remove generics from visitImpl method, but was immediately hit with the infamous Swift compiler error:

The compiler is unable to type-check this expression in reasonable time

I have opened an issue for it in apple/swift related to this and to another, closely related to this optimization attempt, Swift compiler crash.

So, generics are there to stay, what else? I have tried to split the large switch statement like I did for the Attempt #2, and it did not solve the issue with the slow type checker performance in particular; however it has highlighted the fact that the problem was not directly related to switch statement, since I have tried to also split it like in the ChildNameForKeyPath.swift case.

My next take was to remove arguments from visitImpl method and see if that would solve the issue... and it worked! I was able to reduce the speed of visitationFunc by more than 90% at once! But we do need those arguments, so what is the actual problem?

Structure of SyntaxVisitor.swift

SyntaxVisitor has a lot of overridden methods, and those self.visit and self.visitPost are actually the overridden methods:

open func visit(_ node: YieldStmtSyntax) -> SyntaxVisitorContinueKind {
return .visitChildren

open func visitPost(_ node: YieldStmtSyntax) {

open func visit(_ node: YieldedExpressionListSyntax) -> SyntaxVisitorContinueKind {
return .visitChildren

open func visitPost(_ node: YieldedExpressionListSyntax) {

open func visit(_ node: YieldedExpressionSyntax) -> SyntaxVisitorContinueKind {
return .visitChildren

which are then passed as closures to visitImpl , where generics are inferring the type, and so the compiler assigns the correct method as argument #3 and argument #4 of visitationFunc.

I have tried to cast the closures to ease the pain of Type Checker:

return { (arg: Syntax) in
- self.visitImpl(arg, AccessorBlockSyntax.self, self.visit, self.visitPost)
+ self.visitImpl(arg, AccessorBlockSyntax.self, self.visit as ((AccessorBlockSyntax) -> SyntaxVisitorContinueKind), self.visitPost as ((AccessorBlockSyntax) -> Void))

But unfortunately it wouldn’t help with the compilation duration. Next I have tried to add additional closures around the argument #3 and argument #4:

- self.visit
+ { (arg: AccessorBlockSyntax) -> SyntaxVisitorContinueKind in return self.visit(arg) }

This also did not help with the Type Checker performance, but it gave me the right idea: to get rid of the overridden methods completely!

To do this, I needed to change the CodeGeneration of SyntaxVisitorFile.swift :

Now every visit and visitPost methods have type-related suffix

By having separate method signatures for every type, Type Checker does not need to figure that out using generics and type inference, it is all there before compilation even starts!

And voila! It actually worked! The same was applied to the SyntaxRewriter.swift file as well…


I have measured the duration of swift-syntax using the following command:

time xcodebuild -scheme swift-syntax-Package ONLY_ACTIVE_ARCH=YES -destination 'platform=macos' clean build > /dev/null

The output did not show significant improvements:

time command output did not highlight any improvement

I have then used SwiftCompilationTimingParser and processed its output as CSV with the following results:

Comparison of output generated by SwiftCompilationTimingParser package

And most importantly, the following measurements were made using Xcode itself:

Xcode shows faster compilation after the improvements

Altogether, along with other minor improvements, sped up the swift-syntax by almost 2%! Personally, it looked very satisfying after weeks of trial and error to see a measurable impact that would, eventually, improve developer experience ❤️ for all Apple platform developers and engineers, as well as will save CI usage across the globe once this new PR will be merged and a new version of swift-syntax would get embedded into a new Xcode release. Part 3 of these series will include an even deeper dive-in into this topic.

While Swift programming language is safe and secure, majorly relying on Type Checker, its compilation performance tends to slow things down, sometimes even too much. For example, in my video presentation which I did during Bitrise DevOps Summit 2023 (video is available on-demand for free!), I showcase how a simple type inference might have costed more than tens of thousands of dollars on CI usage over 6 months, while also slowing down the development process in general.

Want to Connect?

Follow me on X (Twitter): @r_alikhamov or LinkedIn 🤝


  1. PR to apple/swift-syntax — https://github.com/apple/swift-syntax/pull/2328
  2. Previous PR to apple/swift-syntax — https://github.com/apple/swift-syntax/pull/2308
  3. swift-syntax — https://github.com/apple/swift-syntax
  4. Swift Type Checker — https://github.com/apple/swift/blob/main/docs/TypeChecker.md
  5. SwiftCompilationTimingParser — https://github.com/qonto/SwiftCompilationTimingParser

