“But… it works on my machine…”

J. A. Pardo
4 min readDec 4, 2023

The phrase “It works on my machine” has become a notorious, almost clichéd line that developers and testers often encounter. This seemingly innocuous statement not only flags a common issue in software development but also opens a Pandora’s box of underlying challenges that teams face in aligning development and production environments.

This article dives into the depths of these challenges, exploring the discrepancies between environments, the pitfalls of a lack of standardization, and insufficient testing practices. More importantly, it presents practical solutions, including the adoption of containerization, continuous integration, and fostering a culture of collaboration to address these issues.

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The Underlying Issues

Environment Discrepancies

The first and perhaps most glaring issue is the difference between a developer’s local environment and the production environment. Developers often work in a bubble, with a setup tailored to their preferences and workflow.

This local environment might sport different software versions, operating system configurations, and external dependencies compared to the production environment. Such variations, while seemingly minor, can significantly impact how the software behaves once deployed.

The result? A product that functions flawlessly on a developer’s machine but breaks down in the production environment.

The Chaos of Non-Standardization

The lack of standardization across development environments adds another layer of complexity. In a team where each developer’s setup varies, the chances of encountering the “it works on my machine” syndrome increase exponentially.

This lack of uniformity can lead to inconsistencies, making it challenging to replicate issues and debug effectively. It’s akin to trying to solve a puzzle where each piece is from a different set — a frustrating and often futile exercise.

Testing: The Overlooked Safety Net

Sometimes, the “it works on my machine” statement is a red flag for inadequate testing practices. It implies that the software hasn’t been rigorously tested under various conditions or across different systems.

This oversight can lead to a false sense of security, where issues remain dormant until they surface in the production environment, often at the most inopportune times.

Practical Solutions

Embracing Containerization: The Magic of Docker

The fastest way to resolve environment discrepancies is containerization, and Docker stands out as a prime tool in this realm. By encapsulating the application and its environment into a container, Docker ensures consistency across all stages of development, testing, and production.

This approach effectively eliminates the “it works on my machine” problem by creating an isolated environment that is identical everywhere — whether on a developer’s laptop or a production server.

It’s like giving every team member and process a replica of the environment where the application is meant to run, ensuring that if it works in one place, it works everywhere.

Continuous Integration (CI): The Automated Safety Net

The adoption of Continuous Integration (CI) practices is another cornerstone in mitigating these issues. Implementing CI means that any code changes are automatically tested and integrated into the main branch of the codebase.

This process typically involves tools like Jenkins or GitHub Actions. CI serves as a continuous and automated checkpoint, ensuring that every change is immediately tested in an environment that mirrors production. This way, any discrepancies or issues are caught early in the development cycle, long before they can make their way into the production environment.

Standardizing Development Environments

Another effective strategy is to encourage or even mandate the use of standardized development environments. This can be achieved through virtual machines, Docker containers, or shared configuration files that define the exact setup each developer should use.

Standardization ensures that all team members are on the same page, using the same tools, versions, and configurations. It’s like having everyone sing from the same song sheet, reducing the chances of unexpected behavior when the software is deployed.

Cultivating Collaboration and Communication

Finally, fostering a culture where developers, testers, and operations teams work in close collaboration is vital. This collaborative approach leads to a better understanding of each other’s challenges and workflows. It encourages open communication, which is key in identifying and resolving issues early in the development process.


In conclusion, bridging the gap between development and production environments requires a multifaceted approach. By embracing containerization, CI, standardized environments, comprehensive testing, and fostering a collaborative culture, teams can significantly reduce the instances of “It works on my machine” and move towards more reliable, consistent, and efficient software delivery.

The key lies in not just implementing these solutions but in embracing them as part of the team values, ensuring a smoother, more predictable path from development to deployment.

