The State of Developer Ecosystem Survey in 2018

Swift & Objective-C

The Swift and Objective-C questions were only shown to the developers who chose Swift or Objective-C as one of their three primary programming languages.

Swift and Objective-C developers

29% of Swift developers still have most of their codebase in Objective-C.
36% of Objective-C developers have most of their codebase in Swift.

Which Apple platforms do you develop for?

Question with checkboxes. Sum of shares may be more than 100%.

Only 88% of Swift developers have an Apple iOS smartphone, while 35% have an Android one. The situation is similar for Objective-C developers: 85% have an Apple iOS smartphone vs 39% using an Android one.

79% of Swift / Objective-C developers work on Mobile applications for a living, while only 9% work on desktop apps. Among those developing Mobile applications just for fun, the gap is smaller with 69% and 15%, respectively.

Which version of Swift do you regularly use?

This question was only answered by the respondents using Swift as a primary programming language.

Of those not using 4.1 yet, 94% plan to migrate to it soon.

Which unit-testing frameworks do you regularly use, if any?

Question with checkboxes. Sum of shares may be more than 100%.
This question was only answered by respondents who either write or use unit tests.

Which database engine / framework combination do you use?

Sum of shares may exceed 100% because the Swift and Objective-c sections are merged.

Do you use UI tests?
Which dependency manager do you use, if any?
Do you develop with Swift on Linux?

This question was only answered by those who use Swift as a primary programming language.

36% of Swift developers have C++ code or libs in their projects, while for Objective-C developers the figure is 60%.

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