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Default classes to be non-subclassable publicly


Since Swift 1, marking a class public provides two different capabilities: it allows other modules to instantiate and use the class, and it also allows other modules to define subclasses of it. This proposal suggests splitting these into two different concepts. This means that marking a class public allows the class to be used by other modules, but does not allow other modules to define subclasses. In order to subclass from another module, the class would also have to be marked open.

Relatedly, Swift also conflates two similar concepts for class members (methods, properties, subscripts): public means that the member may be used by other modules, but also that it may be overriden by subclasses. This proposal uses the same open modifier, which is used together with public on members that are overridable.

Swift-evolution thread:


Types in Swift default to internal access control, which makes it easy for Swift programmers to develop code used within their application or library. When one goes to publish an interesting type for use by other modules, care must be taken to think about the API being published because changing it could break downstream dependencies. As such, Swift requires public to be added to the type and every member being published as a way to encourage the programmer to do that thinking.

The major observation here is that not all classes make sense to subclass, and it takes real thought and design work to make a class subclassable well. As such, being able to subclass a public class should be an additional "promise" beyond the class just being marked public. For example, one must consider the extension points that can be meaningfully overriden, and document the class invariants that need to be kept by any subclasses.

Beyond high level application and library design issues, the Swift 1 approach is also problematic for performance. It is commonly the case that many properties of a class are marked public, but doing this means that the compiler has to generate dynamic dispatch code for each property access. This is an unnecessary performance loss in the case when the property was never intended to be overridable, because accesses within the module cannot be devirtualized.

Proposed design

Introduce a new declaration modifier, open (other spellings are discussed in the Alternatives section below):

  • public open class C {} declares that C is a class which is subclassable outside of the module it is declared in.

  • public open func foo() {} declares that foo is a method which is overridable outside of the module it is declared in. open in this sense is only allowed on overridable declarations, i.e. var, func, and subscript declarations within classes.

open is invalid on declarations that are not also public (see the Alternatives discussion for rationale).

open is invalid on declarations that are final.

If an open class inherits an open method from a superclass, that method remains open. If it overrides an open method from a superclass, the override is implicitly open if it is not final.

The superclass of an open class must be open. The overridden declaration of an open override must be open. These are conservative restrictions that reduce the scope of this proposal; it will be possible to revisit them in a later proposal.

Objective-C classes and methods are always imported as open.

The @testable design states that tests have the extra access permissions of the modules that they import for testing. Accordingly, this proposal does not change the fact that tests are allowed to subclass non-final types and override non-final methods from the modules that they @testable import.

Code examples

/// ModuleA:

/// This class is not subclassable by default.
public class NonSubclassableParentClass {
	/// This method is not overridable.
	public func foo() {}

	/// This raises a compilation error: a method can't be marked `open`
	/// if the class it belongs to can't be subclassed.
	public open func bar() {}

	/// The behavior of `final` methods remains unchanged.
	public final func baz() {}

public open class SubclassableParentClass {
	/// This property is not overridable.
	public var size : Int

	/// This method is not overridable.
	public func foo() {}

	/// Overridable methods in an `open` class must be explicitly
	/// marked as `open`.
	public open func bar() {}

	/// The behavior of a `final` method remains unchanged.
	public final func baz() {}

/// The behavior of `final` classes remains unchanged.
public final class FinalClass { }
/// ModuleB:

import ModuleA

/// This raises a compilation error: `NonSubclassableParentClass` is
/// not `open`, so it is not subclassable outside of `ModuleA`.
class SubclassA : NonSubclassableParentClass { }

/// This is allowed since `OpenParentClass` is `open`.
class SubclassB : SubclassableParentClass {
	/// This raises a compilation error: `` is not
	/// `open`, so it is not overridable outside of `ModuleA`.
	override func foo() { }

	/// This is allowed since `` is `open`.
	override func bar() { }


open grants additional access beyond public and can be thought of as a new level of access control. Arguably, instead of requiring it to be written together with public, it could be an alternative that supersedes public. However, open doesn't quite imply public, and there's some merit in always being able to find the external interface of a library by just scanning for the single keyword public. open is also quite short.

open could be split into different modifiers for classes and methods. An earlier version of this proposal used subclassable and overridable. These keywords are self-explanatory but visually heavyweight. They also imply too much: it seems odd that a non-subclassable class can be subclassed from inside a module, but we are not proposing to make classes and methods final by default.

Classes and methods could be inferred as final by default. This would avoid using different default rules inside and outside of the defining module. However, it is analogous to Swift defaulting to private instead of internal. It penalizes code that's only being used inside an application or library by forcing the developer to micromanage access. The cost of getting something wrong within a module is very low, since it is easy to fix all of the clients.

Inherited methods could be made non-open by default. This would arguably be more consistent with the principle of carefully considering the overridable interface of a class, but it would create an enormous annotation and maintenance burden by forcing the entire overridable interface to be restated at every level in the class hierarchy.

Overrides could be made non-open by default. However, it would be very difficult to justify this given that inherited methods stay open. It also piles up modifiers on the override: public open override func foo(). The override keyword is already present to convey that this is possible.

Other proposals that have been considered:

  • public(open), which seems visually cluttered

  • public extensible, which is somewhat heavyweight and invites confusion within extension

Impact on existing code

This would be a backwards-breaking change for all classes and methods that are public and non-final, which code outside of their module has overriden. Those classes/methods would fail to compile. Their superclass would need to be changed to open.

Related work

The fragile modifier in the Swift 4 resilience design is very similar to this, and will follow the precedent set by these keywords.