Koin 3.2 Beta & Roadmap for 2022

Arnaud Giuliani
Koin developers
Published in
3 min readFeb 15, 2022


photo from Diego Jimenezhttps://unsplash.com/photos/A-NVHPka9Rk

Hi Koin users, the year 2022 is already well started. We have lots of new things to come and to share with you. Let’s go!

Establishing a Roadmap for 2022 ✨

The first big thing for the Koin project is organizing release cycles to establish a clear vision on versions deployment, and to help you anticipate updates and new features. We need a clear version tracking: Major.Minor.Patch

  • Patch version: fixes only, minor dependency library updates
  • Minor version: New features & deprecations
  • Major features: New Impacting features, deprecations & hard breaking

We now drive our developments with release cycles of 6 months to follow Kotlin language and library updates in a consistent manner. We will use beta periods of 6 weeks to help gather first feedbacks. Concretely, what does it mean for 2022?

Koin roadmap for 2022

Long Term Support — Hello Kotzilla 👋

Behind our will to build a vision with this roadmap, we also know that many companies are engaging their business while they are using Koin to build their solutions and applications.

For this, we believe that the Koin project needs to offer strong corporate support: long-term version support & development expertise.

I’m happy to introduce you to Kotzilla, the company that will provide all commercial support for Koin technologies and will help companies over time. Check Kotzilla’s article on Koin Roadmap and long-term support plans.

Be sure about one thing: we continue to work the same way as we have done for 4 years now, and made the project successful: open-source and community-driven.

Starting with the first Koin 3.2 Beta 🚀

The project documentation is now setup to have multiple versions. You can start to check new 3.2 updates: https://insert-koin.io/docs/upgrade/whats-new/(still in progress)

First, we will bring the latest Kotlin and library updates: Kotlin 1.6.10, Android Libraries, Ktor, Compose … Check the changelogs to come.

Concerning new important updates, we now have a new DSL extension to let you declare your definition without having the get() function everywhere (neither reflection API). This is what we call the “constructor DSL”, as you declare components directly by targeting your class constructors:

More in the DSL Update section.

You can now better organize your modules between them, by using the “includes()” function. This will help include definitions. Koin will also flatten everything down and establish a clear graph, avoiding any collision with multiple inclusions.

More in the Module Includes section.

Koin KMM part is now ready for the new Kotlin Native Memory Model:

Locking with Main thread only or new Memory Model

Koin 3.2 track is also waiting to integrate Ktor 2.0 when ready. Jetpack Compose is already integrated with version 1.1.0.

See you soon for the Koin 3.2 release post! 👋

A big thanks to the Koin community. Thanks to Marcello Galhardo, Kevin Galligan, and all contributors for their contributions on Koin 3.2 👍



Arnaud Giuliani
Koin developers

Creator/Maintainer of Koin framework -- Kotlin Google Dev Expert -- Cofounder @ Kotzilla.io