Building Developer Communities

Developer community is centered around the idea of nurturing and amplifying community voices within a company and the head of developer community is responsible for leading this effort. Today we’re joined by Kim Maida, Head of Developer Relations and Community at Gatsby. We’ll discuss what her job entails, the ins and outs of developer advocacy, advice for someone looking to get into this field, and more.



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AWS Amplify is a suite of tools and services that enables developers to build full stack serverless and cloud-based web and mobile apps using their framework or technology of choice on the front end.

Using Amplify you can quickly get up and running with things like hosting, authentication, managed GraphQL, serverless functions, APIs, machine learning, chat bots, and storage for files like images, videos, and pdfs.

Amplify is built especially in a way to enable traditionally front-end developers to be successful because they can use their existing skillset to build real-world full stack apps that in the past would require deep knowledge around back end, dev ops, and scalable infrastructure.

The Amplify Console then allows you to use a Github repository to deploy to a globally available CDN, with CI and CD built in.

To learn more, visit


KendoReact is a professional UI components and data visualization library for React. With KendoReact, developers get an immediate productivity boost and business get shorter time-to-market. Designed and built from the ground up for React, KendoReact plays well with any existing UI stack. Its 80+ customizable, accessible and feature-rich components make it the perfect foundation for your internal UI library.

As one example for developer advocacy, join KendoReact developer advocate, TJ VanToll in this on-demand webinar on creating financial dashboards in React. In it, he provides tips and tricks that can help any developer building JavaScript apps at scale. Check out the webinar at


Show Notes.

  • 2:34 - Can you tell us a bit about yourself? 

  • 3:27 - What does it mean to be the head of developer relations and community? 

  • 6:38 - What is devrel/dev advocacy? 

  • 10:45 - Do the skills vary between these 4 roles? What do you need to know? 

  • 13:25 - How can you build empathy into your content? 

  • 16:40 - Do you need to be a software engineer first? 

  • 19:32 - What is your advice for someone looking to get into your field? 

  • 24:55 - What’s your advice for becoming a better dev advocate? 

  • 29:56 - Where do you see the field going in the near future? How does the current COVID situation impact your day to day? 

  • 36:33 - Shoutouts



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