JavaScript — Consume the DevExpress Backend Web API with Svelte (Part 3. Sort and Filter Data)

28 April 2023

In the first part of this post series, I described how to set up a Svelte Kit project to load data from the DevExpress Web API service. The second part described how I queried metadata from the service, in order to display captions customized in the Model.

You can find source code for each stage of the demo in the GitHub repository. Here is a GitHub sample for the current sample: Stage 3 — Sort and filter data

Please also do not miss a bonus post (with a survey inside) on a very trending topic for every productive developer nowadays: Develop a DevExpress XAF and Web API Solution in Docker.

Table of Contents

Sort and Filter Data

Wherever data is displayed in tabular form, users have grown accustomed to certain standard features, including sorting and filtering of data. On the level of the data retrieval protocol, OData defines how sort and filter parameters should be passed. If you follow one of these links, you’ll see that the complete documentation describes most other common convenience features used in typical grid controls like the DevExtreme DataGrid. The Web API service with configured CRUD endpoints for your business objects uses OData and can therefore support all this interactive functionality.

Since the goal of this blog series is to work directly with the functionality provided by the service, I will not simply use the DataGrid/OData binding functionality. Instead, I will take on the two features of sorting and filtering data, as examples to demonstrate how a JavaScript application can interface with the Web API service. This approach can be useful as a pure learning experience, but it can also be practical in cases where binding to a fully automatic component is not an option.

Introduce Display State to the DataTable Component

Sorting and filtering data are interactive features that a user can take advantage of to adjust the way data is displayed at runtime. A data view usually has a preconfigured state for aspects such as sorting and filtering — perhaps a default sort is applied, or perhaps both features are not active to begin with. Sometimes the default on startup may be a persistent state from a previous run.

From a control’s point of view, interactive features require a cycle like this:

  1. Control is initialized, features are in default state
  2. Data is supplied and displayed by the control
  3. The user changes an interactive setting, for instance by clicking a column header to sort
  4. The control notifies its parent of the change to display state

Depending on your experience with different application architectures and UI component structures, you may think that a control could handle its own data loading and re-loading, instead of involving its parent in the cycle. However, this is certainly not a good idea in a web application where data is usually loaded from remote services.

We should assume that data loading is coordinated on the page level rather than that of an individual control, or even higher up in the hierarchy of application building blocks. In the case of tabular data views, you will often find that the URL of a specific page reflects details like the sort order currently used by the view. The URL is a detail of the page, not the control, so this supports the understanding that coordination between a control and its parent page is needed.

Svelte Kit supports flexible mechanisms to load data, and they are so easy to understand that the approaches will translate to other JavaScript environments. Please check out the documentation for Svelte Kit if you are interested in details.

As you will see, the introduction of display state to the DataTable control in the demo application is also a very useful encapsulation of the functionality, keeping it completely separate from the mechanisms that supply data to the control. Begin by adding the property displayState to the component:

export let displayState = {
	sort: undefined,
	desc: false

Use the information from the state object to display a marker in the column header if sorting has been applied to a column. While you’re editing this block, also add a click handler to the column header.

<table class="border-separate w-full">
		{#each Object.keys(fields) as f}
			<th class={fields[f].class} on:click={headerClick(f)}>
				{schema[f] || f} {displayState.sort === f ? (displayState.desc ? '↓' : '↑') : ''}

Now implement the function headerClick. It uses a small helper function — abstracted for future reuse — to dispatch an event using Svelte’s standard event dispatcher.

	import { createEventDispatcher } from 'svelte';

	const dispatch = createEventDispatcher();
	const refresh = (newState) => {
		dispatch('displayStateChanged', newState);


	const headerClick = (field) => () => {
		const newSort = field;
		const newDesc = displayState.sort === newSort ? !displayState.desc : false;
		refresh({ ...displayState, sort: newSort, desc: newDesc });

Svelte and other frameworks may support other mechanisms to allow data to flow out of a component, such as variations of data binding. However, the event metaphor works very well in this case, and either events or callbacks would be an option in most frameworks, so I chose to use this approach.

At this point you have encapsulated logic in the control. It can accept a display state from the outside and reflect this in its rendering output. It allows the user to sort a column by clicking its header, and to revert the sort order by clicking a second time, and it notifies the parent or other interested parties of state changes through the event.

Handle State Changes by Reloading Data

A quick refactoring step first. Currently, the code that loads data from the Web API service resides in src/routes/saleProducts/+page.server.js. In order to reuse this and provide better abstraction, you should move it now into a new file src/lib/dataLoading.js. Change the signature to receive a short and a long type name, a reference to the fetch function (Svelte Kit uses a “special” fetch function to accommodate code running on server and client, see here for details), and for the upcoming implementation a string that represents the current URL. Replace the static occurrences of the SaleProduct type name by the new variables:

export async function loadData(fetch, currentUrl, shortTypeName, longTypeName) {
	const odataUrl = `http://webapi:5273/api/odata/${shortTypeName}`;


	const schemaUrl = `/api/schema/${longTypeName}`;

Now change the file src/routes/saleProducts/+page.server.js to call into the newly abstracted loadData function:

import { loadData } from '$lib/dataLoading.js';

export function load({ fetch, url }) {
	return loadData(fetch, url, 'SaleProduct', 'XAFApp.Module.BusinessObjects.SaleProduct');

In order to react to state changes on the level of the DataTable component, I decided to reflect the state in the page URL. There are other possible solutions, but in this case the overview page displays the list of all data for a specific type (SaleProduct for now), and it makes sense that the page URL would accommodate the display state. This allows a user to bookmark a particular view, and the URL query parameters configure the exact view that was visible at the time.

The good news is that this approach also makes it easy to change state, because this can be done by navigating to a new URL. You have already implemented the logic in the DataTable that dispatches an event when the user changes state. Now a handler is needed to react to this event, and you can add this to the new code file src/lib/dataLoading.js:

import { goto } from '$app/navigation';
import { pickBy } from 'lodash';


const displayStateQueryString = (s) =>
	new URLSearchParams({
		...pickBy(s), // only those properties that contain something

export const displayStateChanged =
	(path) =>
	({ detail: state }) => {

The second parameter to the displayStateChanged event handler is the displayState block that you dispatch with the event in DataTable.svelte. So you can now add this event handler to the DataTable in src/routes/saleProducts/+page.svelte:

	import { displayStateChanged } from '$lib/dataLoading.js';
	import { page } from '$app/stores';




At this point, you can try to click one of the column headers in the running application. You will see that the URL reflects your “sort column”, although of course no sorting takes place so far. For instance, you may see this URL:


The remaining implementation that completes the circle of the display state must be added to the function loadData. This code accepts the query parameters, adjusts the fetch URL accordingly, and returns the valid display state to be reflected again by the component.

The first part is easily done — by accessing the currentUrl value, you can extract the query parameters supported at this stage:

export async function loadData(fetch, currentUrl, shortTypeName, longTypeName) {
	let sort = currentUrl.searchParams.get('sort');
	let desc = currentUrl.searchParams.get('desc') === 'true';

To apply parameters such as the sort order to the OData-compatible fetch URL, you should use an existing package instead of implementing it yourself. Add odata-query to the project:

> pnpm i -D odata-query

Then you can take advantage of the library functionality to create the URL for the fetch call:

import queryBuilder from 'odata-query';


	const params = {};
	if (sort) params.orderBy = `${sort} ${desc ? 'desc' : 'asc'}`;
	const queryString = queryBuilder(params).toString();

	const odataUrl = `http://webapi:5273/api/odata/${shortTypeName}`;
	const fetchUrl = `${odataUrl}${queryString}`;

	const dataSource = fetch(fetchUrl)

Finally, change the return value from loadData to incorporate the displayState:


	return await Promise.all([dataSource, schema])
		.then(([ds, sc]) => ({ dataSource: ds, schema: sc, displayState: { sort, desc } }))
		.catch((err) => {
			return { error: err.message };

Now you can close the circle. In src/routes/saleProducts/+page.svelte, receive the updated displayState from the load function and pass it on to the DataTable:

	export let data;
	$: ({ dataSource, schema, displayState, error } = data);


Success! At runtime, click the column headers for the SaleProduct data overview. Observe the URL, it should now change correctly, include the desc parameter as well as sort. The sort order of the data changes, and the indicators are displayed correctly.

Add Filter Support

The filtering feature works along similar lines as sorting, so I’ll use it to outline the approach one more time. The filter editor implementation uses a few icons from the fork-awesome project, so add this first:

> pnpm i -D fork-awesome

Add an import line to src/routes/+layout.svelte:

	import '../app.css';
	import 'fork-awesome/css/fork-awesome.css';

Now add the file src/lib/FilterEditor.svelte. It’s a technically simple component, you can find the source code at this URL in the GitHub repo.

This editor supports only string filters. It can be seen as a placeholder implementation for similar editors that support other data types, and of course extra features such as string filter types could be added there easily.

The type of filter can be configured per column, and this happens in the field definition in src/routes/saleProducts/+page.svelte. In the sample I added a filter for each field, although the number type is not actually supported by the implementation and meant for illustrative purposes only.

const fields = {
	Name: { class: 'text-left', filter: 'string' },
	Price: { class: 'text-right', filter: 'number' }

What remains is to integrate the editor in the DataTable component, and to add handling of filter information to the data fetching cycle, as you did before for the sort operations.

Edit src/lib/DataTable.svelte. Import the FilterEditor component and add the block that renders the filter row.

	import { createEventDispatcher } from 'svelte';
	import FilterEditor from './FilterEditor.svelte';

<table class="border-separate w-full">
	<tr class="filterRow">
		{#each Object.keys(fields) as f}
			{@const field = fields[f]}
			{@const filter = field.filter}
			<td class={field.class}>
				{#if filter && filter !== 'none'}
	{#await dataSource}

<style lang="postcss">
	tr.filterRow > td {
		@apply bg-red-200;

As you can see, the rendering code assumes that the displayState object now includes a filters field. Additionally, an event handler function is used for the newValueConfirmed event. Add both these items to the script block now.

export let displayState = {
	sort: undefined,
	desc: false,
	filters: {}


const newFilterValue =
	(fieldName) =>
	({ detail: newValue }) => {
			filters: {
				[fieldName]: { filter: fields[fieldName].filter, value: newValue }

Finally, edit src/lib/dataLoading.js. The filter parameter will be read from the query string exactly like sort and desc, and an extra piece of code converts the filter representation into the required OData structure. Make sure to include the filters field in the return value from the final promise.

export async function loadData(fetch, currentUrl, shortTypeName, longTypeName) {
	let sort = currentUrl.searchParams.get('sort');
	let desc = currentUrl.searchParams.get('desc') === 'true';
	const filterParam = currentUrl.searchParams.get('filters');
	let filters = filterParam ? JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(filterParam)) : {};

	const params = {};
	if (sort) params.orderBy = `${sort} ${desc ? 'desc' : 'asc'}`;

	const filter = {
		and: []
	for (const f of Object.keys(filters)) {
		if (filters[f].filter === 'string' && filters[f].value) {
			filter.and.push({ [f]: { contains: filters[f].value } });
	if (filter.and.length > 0) params.filter = filter;

	const queryString = queryBuilder(params).toString();

	const odataUrl = `http://webapi:5273/api/odata/${shortTypeName}`;
	const fetchUrl = `${odataUrl}${queryString}`;


	return await Promise.all([dataSource, schema])
		.then(([ds, sc]) => ({ dataSource: ds, schema: sc, displayState: { sort, desc, filters } }))
		.catch((err) => {
			return { error: err.message };

The last step is to encode the filters in the query string that is generated for the goto call, when the user changes the filter interactively and navigation is triggered.

const displayStateQueryString = (s) =>
	new URLSearchParams({
		filters: encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(s.filters))

With these changes in place, you can now test the combined filter and sort functions in the UI. You’ll see the query string adjust each time a setting changes, and everything should work together correctly!


Here is the link to the branch “stage-3” in the GitHub repository again. This branch includes the sort and filter functionality described in this post.

Thank you for reading, or following along! Next time I will implement data editing, of course using the Web API service, and taking advantage of the Validation module.

For related information, please review the following articles: XAF Blazor | Getting Started Tutorials | Common Questions about the New DevExpress Web API Service. You can get your free copy of .NET App Security Library & Web API Service here: To learn about the advanced/paid features of our Web API Service, please refer to the following help topic: Obtain a Report from a Web API Controller Endpoint.

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