Submit Your Podcast to Podchaser

Many podcast creators are familiar with Podchaser, a podcast directory. Yet if you’re just getting to know them, you can now easily submit to their directory via Blubrry’s Podcaster Dashboard. Keep reading to learn more about Podchaser and why we jumped at the opportunity to add them to our Destinations; or jump to the end for how to submit.

Founded in 2016, Podchaser provides much more than just a show listing. It has information about your favorite podcasts, curated lists, reviews and more — all free. You can also create a user profile. The Podchaser team is also heading up the Podcast Taxonomy initiative, which in their own words “focuses on recognizing roles and credits in podcast production.”

Podchaser is the most recent platform we’ve added to the Blubrry’s Destinations section. We are incredibly proud to have been able to add five different destinations this year, ensuring that sharing is as easy as possible for all podcasters, not only our hosting customers.

To submit to Podchaser:
Log into
Head to Podcaster Dashboard
Scroll down to Distribution
Find Destinations
Click on Podchaser and simply submit your podcast RSS feed.

Bonus, you don’t have to be a hosting customer. Get to it Blubrry users!