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What Being A Nurse Can Teach You About Entrepreneurship

Forbes Coaches Council
Catie Harris

Nursing school prepared me for business in a way that was unexpected. Soft skills such as empathetic listening, therapeutic communication and delegation were the core of Nursing 101.

When I wanted to start a concierge nursing business, my first idea came from listening deeply to a patient who was petrified to go home. I was able to focus on a compelling problem and spend all my efforts trying to find a solution or an audience with that particular problem.

Here are some of the core values of nursing that apply just as well to entrepreneurship.

1. Care about your client.

In nursing, it’s hard not to care about your patients. We are happy for them when they get discharged. We cry when the chemotherapy isn’t working and advocate for them when they are in pain. If we didn’t feel anything for them, the profession wouldn’t be what it is.

When nurses cross over into business, there is a misperception that they often need to be hard, tough and "salesy," but nothing could be further from the truth. The amazing and successful entrepreneurs I've met over the years care deeply for their clients. A student of mine even said she didn’t start really making money until she showed her audience how much she cared for them through her stories, testimonials and all the value she provided.

Having a corporate exterior might make a small business owner feel “professional,” but the truth is, people of all backgrounds want to connect. They want to feel like the person they are doing business with cares about them and isn’t just out to make a buck off them.

2. Let your client vent their frustration.

Nurses know not to interrupt an angry patient. Doing so only redirects the anger at them personally, and it doesn’t allow for catharsis to occur.

More often than not, your audience just wants someone to listen. It’s not about being right or wrong or even making sense; it’s about letting go of the buildup. It gives you an incredible understanding of what you need to know to help them.

Business owners could learn a lot from this tip, especially when it comes to negative comments or reviews online. The rants are rarely about you, and when they are, it’s important to see that information as a gift. Don’t take it personally; take it constructively.

3. You don't need to always have the answers. 

Nurses know that offering a solution to every problem isn’t always the best. Letting patients figure out what they want by talking out loud is a vital process.

A student of mine who helps women with polycystic ovary syndrome understand and manage their diagnosis says there is no cure for their condition; there is only awareness, understanding and acceptance. She helps her patients so much more just by letting them talk it out.

As a leader, this understanding is key to the hearts of your people in a way that the solution never will be.

4. Break down industry lingo. 

One of the most vital roles of the nurse is to interpret doctor-speak for patients and families who frequently have little understanding of the treatment plan. Nurses have spent years speaking to and teaching patients and their families about the complex world of health and disease. I once had a breast cancer survivor tell me the first time she finally understood what was going on with her body was hearing me speak at a patient support group. It was really powerful, considering she had already been through treatment.

When you are dealing with a compelling problem, breaking down the subject matter to its simplest form is absolutely necessary. As business owners, we need to remember that many of our clients come to us because they don’t understand how or why to do something, so when we devolve into our industry jargon or assume they know more than they actually do, we risk confusing them and subsequently losing their attention. Don’t assume that your audience understands the terms, jargon and acronyms you now perceive as obvious.

5. Create alliances with everyone.

All nurses know that their lives would be miserable if they didn't connect with the desk clerks, administrators and nurse's aides on individual terms. (It’s hard to watch the torture and slow demise of a nursing career on a unit because that particular nurse didn’t give due credit where it belonged.) High-quality patient care is dependent on the basic relationships the nurse cultivates around her. This is not only true at the bedside, but if the nurse wants to advance her career, her potential is directly in line with who she knows.

Business is no different. In a world where word of mouth and referrals are the backbone of consistent clients, making connections with anyone and everyone can be the difference between getting time to pitch your idea with C-level executives and getting rejected, even if you can’t see the direct path.

Nurses and entrepreneurs aren't really all that different in many ways. Nurses have mastered soft skills, critical thinking, fierce conversations and delegating tasks, while entrepreneurs have an unshakeable passion to help others that pushes them forward through thick and thin. The combination of these two skill sets is powerful, as each profession could learn significantly from the other.

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