Embedding a privacy manifest into an XCFramework

During WWDC 2023, Apple presented a number of developer-impacting privacy updates. One of the updates, introducing the concept of a privacy manifest, has a direct impact on the work I’ve been doing making the CRDT library Automerge available on Apple platforms. The two relevant sessions from WWDC 2023:

  • Get Started with Privacy Manifests (video) (notes)
  • Verify app dependencies with digital signatures (video) (notes)

During the sessions, the presenter shared that somewhere in the coming year (2024) Apple would start requiring privacy manifests in signed XCFrameworks. There was little concrete detail available then, and I’ve been waiting since for more information on how to comply. I expected documentation at least, and was hoping for an update in Xcode – specifically the xcodebuild command – to add an option that accepted a path to a manifest and included it appropriately. So far, nothing from Apple on that front.

About a week ago I decided to use a DTS ticket to get assistance on how to (properly) add privacy manifest to an XCFramework (and filed feedback: FB13626419). I hope that something is planned to make this easier, or at the minimum document a process, since it now appears to be an active requirement for new apps presented to the App Store. I highly doubt we’ll see anything between now and WWDC at this point. With any luck, we’ll see something this June (WWDC 24).

I have a hypothesis that, with the updates to enable signed binary dependencies, there could be “something coming” about a software bill-of-materials manifest. My over-active imagination thinks there are hints of that correlated with what swift is recording in Package.resolved, and seeming to start to take advantage of within the proposed new approach to swift testing. It would make a lot of sense to support better verification and clear knowledge of what you’re including in your apps, or depending on for your libraries (and extremely useful metadata for testing validation).

In the meantime, if you’re Creating an XCFramework and trying to figure out how to comply with Apple’s requests for embedded privacy manifests, hopefully this article helps you get there. As I mentioned at the top of this post, this is based on my open source work in Automerge-swift. I’m including the library and XCFramework (and show it off) in a demo application. I just finished working through the process of getting the archives validated and pushed to App Store Connect (with macOS and iOS deliverables). To be very clear, the person I worked with at DTS was both critical and super-helpful. Without this information I would have been wandering blindly for months trying to get this sorted. All credit to them for the assistance.

The gist of what needs to be done lines up with Apple’s general platform conventions for placing resources into bundles (detailed at Placing Content in a Bundle). The resource in this case is the file PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy, and the general pattern plays out as:

  • iOS and iOS simulator: place the resource at the root for that platform
  • macOS and Mac Catalyst: place the resource in a directory structure /Versions/A/Resources/

The additional quirk in this case is that with an XCFramework created from platform-specific static libraries, you also need to put that directory structure underneath the directory that is the platform signifier. (An example is shown below, illustrating this. I know it’s not super clear; I don’t either know, or have, the words to correctly describe these layers in the a directory structure.)

I do this with a bash script that copies the privacy manifest into the place relevant for each platform target. In the case of automerge-swift, we compile to support iOS, the iOS simulators (on x86 and arm architectures), macOS (on x86 and arm architectures), and Mac Catalyst (on x86 and arm architectures).

Once the files are copied into place, I code sign the bundle:

codesign --timestamp -v --sign "...my developer id..." ${FRAMEWORK_NAME}.xcframework

After which, compress it down using ditto, and compute the SHA256 checksum. That checksum is used to create a validation hash for a URL reference in a Package.swift. (If you want to see the scripts, have at – they’re on GitHub. The scripts are split at the end – one for CI that doesn’t sign, and one for release that does.)

Seeing the layout of the relevant files in an XCFramework was the most helpful piece for me to assemble this together, so let me share the directory structure of my XCFramework. The example below, called automergeFFI.xcframework, hopefully shows you the details without flooding you in extraneous files; it skips the header or code signature specific files:






With this in place, signed and embedded as a normal dependency through Xcode, both the iOS demo app and the macOS demo app passed the pre-flight validation and moved on through to TestFlight.

Published by heckj

Developer, author, and life-long student. Writes online at https://rhonabwy.com/.