How to Automate the Testing Process for Machine Learning Systems

Anton Sycheuski
10 min readApr 26, 2023
Photo by ray rui on Unsplash

Testing is an essential aspect of the development of any software system, including Machine Learning (ML) systems. ML models are designed to learn from data and improve their performance over time, which makes them powerful tools for solving complex problems in a wide range of applications. However, ML systems require specialized algorithms and techniques to handle data and perform the learning process, making it challenging to ensure their reliability and effectiveness. The following are the reasons why testing is important in ML systems:

  1. Quality Assurance: Testing helps to ensure that the ML models are functioning as intended and are able to make accurate predictions.
  2. Model Validation: Testing helps to validate the models, ensuring that they are able to handle different types of data and perform well on unseen data.
  3. Improved Performance: Testing helps identify areas where the models can be improved, leading to better performance and more accurate predictions.
  4. Reduced Risk: Testing helps to identify and resolve potential issues before the models are deployed, reducing the risk of failure or incorrect predictions in real-world applications.
  5. Better Understanding of the System: Testing provides valuable information about the behavior of the ML models and helps to deepen the understanding of the system.
  6. Enhanced User Trust: By testing ML systems, stakeholders can have confidence in the models, leading to increased trust and adoption of the system.

Traditional Software vs Machine Learning

Difference between Software and Machine Learning

The main difference between ordinary software and ML systems is their approach to handling data and making predictions or decisions.

Ordinary software follows a set of predefined rules and logic to perform a specific task or operation. For example, a calculator app performs arithmetic operations according to a set of fixed rules and algorithms.

On the other hand, ML systems are designed to learn from data and improve their performance over time. Instead of following a fixed set of rules, ML models use algorithms to analyze data and find patterns, which they can use to make predictions or decisions. ML systems are trained on large data sets, which allows them to identify complex patterns and trends that may be difficult for humans to detect.

ML systems require specialized algorithms and techniques to handle the data and perform the learning process. They also require significant computing resources to process the data and make predictions in real-time. Another important difference is that ordinary software is typically designed to perform a specific task, while ML systems can be used in a wide range of applications, from image and speech recognition to fraud detection and recommendation systems. Overall, while ordinary software follows a fixed set of rules, ML systems learn from data and improve their performance over time, making them powerful tools for solving complex problems in a wide range of applications.

Jupyter notebooks

Data Scientists are writing code in Jupyter notebooks (which are basically JSON files containing text, source code, and metadata) during development, but they have some potential issues that users should be aware of:

  • Reproducibility: Jupyter notebooks can be challenging to reproduce, particularly if they rely on specific versions of libraries or packages. This can make it difficult for others to reproduce the same results or to understand how the results were obtained.
  • Version Control: Jupyter notebooks can be challenging to version control, particularly if they are used collaboratively. This can lead to versioning issues, where different versions of the notebook are saved in different places, making it difficult to keep track of changes and collaborate effectively.
  • Code Organization: Jupyter notebooks can make it challenging to organize code, particularly for larger projects or workflows. This can make it difficult to maintain and modify code, which can lead to technical debt and reduced productivity.
  • Security: Jupyter notebooks can be a security risk if they contain sensitive data or are executed on insecure servers. Careful consideration should be given to data security, server configuration, and access controls.
  • Lack of Scalability: Jupyter notebooks can be resource-intensive and may not scale well for large datasets or computationally expensive tasks. This can lead to slow execution times and challenges in managing memory and computing resources.

In my opinion, the best practice is to implement model functionality in Python modules. Although Jupyter notebooks are useful during the development phase, they can present difficulties when it comes to maintaining them for production and testing purposes. Therefore, I do not recommend using Jupyter notebooks for automated testing, as executing them by cells can make it nearly impossible to manage changes effectively in the future.

How does the Test Automation Framework (TAF) for Machine Learning systems look?

Testing for Deployment

Once you have developed a new version of your model, you need to ensure that the changes do not break anything. To do so, you need to have tests that are ideally triggered on every pull request (PR). Tests should include unit and integration tests that cover the model’s functions and utilities, as well as model tests like invariance, directional expectation, and minimum functionality, which can be performed on pre-prepared test data. This approach helps identify any issues before deploying the code to production pipelines.

CI / CD Process

Unit tests

Unit testing is a software engineering practice that involves testing individual units or components of a software application in isolation to ensure they behave as expected. In ML, unit tests are used to validate individual components of a ML model, such as data preprocessing, model architecture, and the training algorithm.

Unit tests in ML are essential to ensure that each component of the pipeline works as intended. For example, data preprocessing unit tests could check that missing data is handled correctly, or that data is normalized appropriately. Model architecture unit tests could verify that the model is constructed correctly and that the input and output shapes are as expected.

Unit tests help detect errors early in the development process and reduce the risk of deploying a faulty model. They can also help prevent regressions by ensuring that changes to one part of the model do not impact other components. Overall, unit testing is an essential practice in ML development to ensure high-quality and reliable models.

Integration tests

Integration testing is a software testing technique that tests the integration between different modules or components of a software application. In ML, integration testing involves testing the interactions between different components of a ML pipeline, such as data preprocessing, model training, and model evaluation.

Integration tests in ML help validate that the different components of the ML pipeline work together correctly. For example, an integration test could check that the data is preprocessed correctly before being fed into the model, or that the evaluation metrics are computed correctly after the model is trained.

Integration testing is important in ML because it helps to ensure that the entire ML pipeline is working as expected. It also helps to identify potential issues or bottlenecks in the pipeline that may not be apparent when testing individual components in isolation.

Integration tests are typically more complex than unit tests because they involve testing the interactions between different components. They may require the use of simulated or real-world data to test the pipeline under realistic conditions. Overall, integration testing is an important part of ML development to ensure that the final model is reliable and performs as expected in production.

Invariance tests

Invariance testing is a type of testing in ML that checks whether a model is invariant to certain transformations or changes in the input data. In other words, an invariant model will produce the same output for inputs that are similar but have undergone some changes or transformations. This property is important in ML because it ensures that the model’s predictions are robust to variations in the input data.

For example, an image classification model should be invariant to changes in the lighting conditions, the position of the object in the image, or the orientation of the object. An invariance test would involve evaluating the model’s performance on a dataset where these transformations are applied to the input images. If the model is invariant to these transformations, it should perform equally well on the transformed images as it does on the original images.

Invariance testing is important because it ensures that the model’s performance is not affected by certain variations in the input data. It can help identify potential weaknesses in the model and inform decisions about data augmentation or other techniques that can improve the model’s robustness.

Overall, invariance testing is an important aspect of ML testing and evaluation that ensures that the model’s predictions are robust and reliable in a range of conditions.

Directional Expectation tests

Directional expectation testing is a statistical testing method used in ML to determine whether a model’s predictions are consistent with a prior expectation or hypothesis. This type of testing is particularly useful in scenarios where the expected outcome of a model is known in advance, such as in A/B testing or experiments with a control group.

In directional expectation testing, the null hypothesis is that the model’s predictions are not different from the expected outcome, and the alternative hypothesis is that they are. The expected outcome can be based on prior knowledge or a control group. For example, in A/B testing, the expected outcome could be that there is no difference in the conversion rates between two groups.

Directional expectation testing involves calculating a test statistic based on the difference between the observed and expected values, and comparing it to a critical value based on a pre-defined significance level. If the test statistic falls outside the critical value, the null hypothesis is rejected, and it is concluded that the model’s predictions are different from the expected outcome.

Suppose we have a ML model that predicts housing prices based on several features such as the number of bedrooms, square footage, and location. We can use directional expectation testing to evaluate whether the model’s predictions align with our expectations.

For instance, we can assert that increasing the number of bathrooms (keeping all other features constant) should not lead to a decrease in housing prices. Similarly, decreasing the square footage of the house (holding all other features constant) should not result in an increase in price.

By setting up the null hypothesis that these features do not have a significant impact on the housing prices and using directional expectation testing, we can determine whether the model’s predictions align with our expectations.

Directional expectation testing is an important technique in ML evaluation because it provides a statistical framework to determine whether a model’s predictions are consistent with prior knowledge or expectations. It helps to ensure that the model’s performance is aligned with the desired outcome and can inform decisions about model selection or parameter tuning.

Minimum Functionality tests

Minimum functionality testing is a type of testing in ML that focuses on evaluating whether a model has the basic functionality required for deployment. The goal of minimum functionality testing is to ensure that a model can perform the intended task at a minimum level of quality, such as accuracy or performance.

Minimum functionality testing typically involves a set of test cases that cover the essential features of the model, such as input processing, inference, and output generation. These test cases may include typical use cases, edge cases, and failure scenarios to ensure that the model can handle a range of inputs and situations.

For example, in a text classification model, minimum functionality tests could include:

  1. Input processing: Testing whether the model can handle different input formats, such as text in different languages or with special characters.
  2. Inference: Testing whether the model can correctly classify text into the intended categories, with a minimum level of accuracy.
  3. Output generation: Testing whether the model can generate the intended output format, such as a label or a probability score.

Minimum functionality testing is important in ML because it ensures that a model can perform its basic task before additional features or complexity are added. It helps to catch issues early in the development process and can inform decisions about model deployment and maintenance.

Testing in Production

After testing the model code in the repository, it needs to be prepared for production use. The model will likely be running constantly in production pipelines with a certain periodicity. To ensure that the model is performing as expected, it should be monitored. This can be done by implementing data verification tests in the production pipelines that run in parallel with model modules. These tests ensure that the model input and output are correct and monitor model performance.

Production pipeline (Kubeflow)

Data verification tests

Data verification tests are a type of testing in ML that focuses on ensuring the quality and integrity of the input data used to train or evaluate a model, as well as the output data produced by the model training and model inference parts. The goal of data verification tests is to identify and address potential issues with the data that could impact the accuracy or reliability of the model’s predictions.

Data verification tests are important in ML because the quality and integrity of the data used to train or evaluate a model can have a significant impact on its performance and accuracy. By conducting data verification tests, it is possible to identify and address potential issues with the data before they impact the model’s predictions, leading to more reliable and accurate results.

Static Analysis

Detecting security vulnerabilities, code smells, and bugs is crucial to ensure the reliability and effectiveness of ML systems. One way to achieve this is by utilizing static analysis tools like SonarQube. These tools can help identify potential issues before they become problems, improving the quality of the code.

Apart from utilizing static analysis tools, ensuring code coverage is crucial for ML systems. Code coverage allows you to determine if all model functions are thoroughly tested, ensuring comprehensive test coverage and minimizing the risk of errors.


Testing is an essential element in the development of ML systems, like with any other software. Proper testing practices help to ensure the reliability and effectiveness of these systems and play a crucial role in the development process. Best practices for testing ML systems include the following:

  • Run tests for each pull request;
  • Monitor model performance in production by conducting data verification tests;
  • Use different types of testing;
  • Use static analysis tools to improve code quality.
  • Ensure comprehensive code coverage.

By following these practices, development team can improve the overall performance and reliability of Machine Learning systems.



Anton Sycheuski

Software Development Engineer in Test focusing on Machine Learning Systems