PSA: iOS 16 is a huge opportunity to promote your app

This may be obvious, but I still wanted to remind everyone.

Published: Aug. 30, 2022
App Store

So iOS 16 is coming soon, probably mid-September. And once again, this is an incredible opportunity for all indie devs to make a splash with their apps. This mainly applies if your app integrates any of the new user-facing system' features like Lock Screen widgets, Focus Filters, App Intents, and more, but even if it doesn't, you can still benefit.

The new iOS release is a period when both Apple and the press love to feature and cover all kinds of apps. And users are excited to try out new ones and have features that weren’t possible before.

So if you have any ambitions with your apps, you should prioritize marketing/promotional activities around the upcoming iOS 16 release. You will get the most bang for the buck, so to speak.

If you already have iOS 16 features implemented or are close, inform Apple via the dedicated form. I have a blog post that details the experience of a few indie devs with tips. Don’t miss this.

Start getting in touch with members of the press, explain how your app will be great, and offer TestFlight links.

You should make sure to create or refresh your existing press kits, so journalists have an easy time covering your app. Excellent material (screenshots, banners, videos..) and clearly explained features, benefits, and pricing go a long way.

I believe ImpressKit (which is my project) is the best way to create press kits for your app. It is also (as far as I know) the only project dedicated to app press kits. You will save time, can easily manage press releases, and much more. And best of all? You can try it for free for an entire month, and I am always available to answer questions or help you with the press kit.

More resources

My other blog posts that might be of interest.

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Filip Němeček

iOS blogger and developer with interest in Python/Django. Want to see most recent projects? 👀

iOS blogger and developer with interest in Python/Django. Want to see most recent projects? 👀