Understanding Playwright’s test.slow() and slowMo Option: A Guide for Efficient Test Management

Semih kasımoğlu
2 min readJan 24, 2024

Introduction: In the world of automated testing with Playwright, efficiency and accuracy are key. Playwright offers various features to help developers manage and debug their tests effectively. Two such features are test.slow() and the slowMo option within launchOptions. Although they might seem similar at first glance, they serve distinct purposes in the testing lifecycle.

Understanding test.slow(): test.slow() is a method used within Playwright Test. This method is primarily used to adjust the expectations around the duration of a test. It's particularly useful for tests that are inherently slow due to complex interactions or heavy resource usage.

Key Points:

  • test.slow() adjusts the timeout settings for a test.
  • It is used to mark a test as slower than usual, helping avoid false negatives due to timeouts.
  • It does not slow down the test’s execution but rather manages the test’s time expectations.

Exploring launchOptions: { slowMo: 1000 }: On the other hand, the slowMo option within launchOptions is a configuration setting for launching a browser. This option adds a specified delay (in milliseconds) after each browser action.

Key Points:

  • slowMo literally slows down browser interactions.
  • It is invaluable for debugging, allowing developers to observe the browser’s actions step-by-step.
  • The delay is applied to actions like clicks, typing, and navigation.

Comparative Analysis: While test.slow() is about test management, slowMo focuses on the pace of interaction within the browser. test.slow() does not change how the test runs, but rather how its duration is interpreted. Conversely, slowMo changes the speed of the browser's actions, making it easier to track and debug.

Practical Applications:

  • Use test.slow() when dealing with tests that are naturally slower to prevent timeout issues.
  • Apply slowMo when you need to observe the browser's actions in real-time for debugging.

Conclusion: Both test.slow() and slowMo are essential tools in a developer's arsenal when working with Playwright. Understanding the distinction and appropriate use cases for each can significantly enhance your testing strategy, ensuring both efficiency and accuracy in your automated testing process.

Call to Action: For more insights into effective testing strategies and Playwright’s capabilities, subscribe to our blog and stay updated with the latest in test automation.

This structure provides a clear and concise explanation, suitable for readers who are familiar with Playwright but might not fully understand the nuances and specific use cases of these features.

