What to Consider when Selecting an Automation Framework.

Ademola Bhadmus
4 min readFeb 20, 2024

Automation frameworks are essential tools for streamlining the testing process and ensuring the quality of software applications. They provide a structure for organizing test scripts, managing test data, and executing tests automatically. Understanding different types of automation frameworks and their suitability for various projects is crucial for successful test automation implementation. It is however important to consider some important perspectives when trying to select an automation framework.

What to Do?

One needs to have a guide when selecting a framework; the first step to achieving this starts with the application under test. A complete understanding of the app’s expected audience and platform, complexity, data interaction, and manipulation could be deciding factors on what automation framework to pick and more importantly, what automation tool will be the most suitable to implement the selected framework.

Understanding the application allows you to directly select a suitable framework based on the app’s expected performance and requirements. You will learn important facts like

  1. If the app requires data sets to carry out tests on it
  2. If it is a large and complex project
  3. If the test requirement is hinging on simplicity

Other factors can be deduced from understanding the application and its targeted audience.

Another thing is knowing the type of application and the platform where it would thrive. This would help to narrow down the automation tool that will be the most suitable for the implementation of the framework. Whether it is a web-only app, mobile-only app, or a combined platform helps to decide a possible list of tools that can be used. Going a bit more granular on this by checking other factors around the app would help to trim down further the most suitable tool that can be applied. For instance

⛔ This is by no means an advert for these tools, just mentioning tools that will be appropriate (Yes! Cypress can automate flutter web apps, Follow me on social media, I will make videos about it shortly).

Best Practices for Selecting a Framework

Practices at a glance

When a proper project evaluation is conducted, the best thing to do is to carry out a proof of concept on selected frameworks to compare and decide which one will be best suited. What can eventually help to reach a reasonable conclusion is to check which of these frameworks have robust and active community support as this is a crucial part when development encounters hiccups. And of course, whichever framework is to be adopted should follow the industry's best practices.

Types of Framework

  1. Linear Scripting Framework: Linear scripting frameworks involve creating test scripts that execute sequentially. This script is usually generated from the record and play of the steps. However, they can become quickly cluttered and difficult to maintain as the project grows.
  2. Data-Driven Framework: Data-driven frameworks separate the test data from the test scripts. They are beneficial for testing the same functionality with different input values. This approach enhances reusability and reduces script maintenance efforts.
  3. Keyword-Driven Framework: Keyword-driven frameworks use keywords to represent operations or functions. They focus on the modularity and reusability of code, making them ideal for large, complex test projects.
  4. Test-Driven Framework: This is when unit Tests are written before a single line of development code is written. Codes are later written and refactored until they align with unit tests. This requires expertise in coding as such might have a huge learning curve.
  5. Behaviour-Driven Framework: This improves on Test-Driven Framework in the sense that tests are created in a gherkin style and implemented. It allows a lot of reusability and introduces easy maintainability.
  6. Hybrid Framework: This is usually a combination of a Data-Driven framework and a Keyword-Driven framework. It provides more scope for increased productivity and better success.

Pros and Cons of the Automation Framework

Each framework has its advantages as well as disadvantages but I have listed a few below

a select pros and cons of frameworks

Selecting an Appropriate Tool for the Chosen Framework

The following criteria can be considered when selecting the appropriate tool to implement the chosen framework

  1. Maintenance Effort: Analyze the long-term maintenance effort required for each tool to minimize future challenges.
  2. Project Complexity: Assess the complexity of the project, including the variety of test scenarios and the required level of test automation.
  3. Tool Integration and Pipeline dependencies: Consider the compatibility of the tool with existing test management and CI/CD tools for seamless integration. Knowing the cost of scaling the tools in your pipeline is very crucial and should be given serious consideration.
  4. Scalability and Maintainability: The tool should be scalable to accommodate the growth of the project and the addition of new features without requiring extensive rework. It’s important to choose a tool that is easy to maintain and update as the software evolves. This ensures long-term viability and reduces technical debt.
  5. Reporting and Analysis: Robust reporting and analysis features are essential for tracking test results, identifying issues, and driving continuous improvement in the testing process.
  6. Team Expertise and Learning Curve: Evaluate the team’s skills and expertise in using different types of tools to ensure effective implementation. The learning curve is one of the most important factors to consider. The longevity of the tool of choice depends on how easy it is for newbies to learn and adapt to using the framework.


Create a detailed plan for the implementation of the chosen framework via the best practices for selection, including training, tool setup, and transition strategies.

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