Should You Test React Components Using Cypress?

Is Cypress the way to go with React component testing?

Thamodi Wickramasinghe
Bits and Pieces



Before you ask, “Should You Test Components Using Cypress?” you should know about React components, Cypress, how to create a React Component, and how to write tests using Cypress.

So, let’s dive straight into the basics before exploring the do’s and don’ts.

What is a React component?

React component is a JavaScript function that returns HTML code that can work in isolation.

Let’s take a look at this basic React Component.

function User() {

return (
<h1>User Details</h1>

export default User;

Based on the above code snippet, function User()defines the JavaScript function and export default User; is used to export the component so that other components can use this component.

To test these components, we can use different tools and frameworks. One of them is Cypress.

So, let’s explore what Cypress is.

What is Cypress?

Cypress is a testing tool that acts like a web automation tool. It runs in a browser and is very easy to use. Using Cypress, developers can conduct end-to-end testing, component testing, integration testing, and unit testing.

Let’s consider why we should use Cypress instead of the usual testing frameworks.

What are the benefits of using Cypress for testing React Components?

1. Ensuring UI functionality and end-to-end testing

Popular frontend testing frameworks like Jest and React Testing Library don’t support UI functionality; however, since Cypress runs in a browser, it provides a UI where users can see the execution of the test happening in real-time.

Furthermore, end-to-end testing can be conducted using Cypress, whereas other testing frameworks like Jest only focus on unit testing, integration testing, and snapshot testing. To perform end-to-end testing using Jest, you must combine it with other tools.

2. Simplicity and ease of use

Setting up Cypress is very easy compared to other testing frameworks. It provides a step-by-step installation guide. Therefore, developers can easily install Cypress.

By default, Cypress will generate a default test component upon selecting the “Create New Spec” option.

Furthermore, developers can modify the created tests easily. Once you click the test you have made, the test file will be opened in your editor.

Execution of the tests is also easy with Cypress.

Using other frameworks, developers have to execute commands like npm run test to execute the tests. If we want to execute a specific test file, we must declare it in the test execution command and run it.

By using Cypress, we can see all the tests we have created, and upon clicking that test file, we can execute it.

3. Seamless integration with React components

Integrating cypress with react components is quite easy. In the test file you have created, include the below code line to integrate the specific react component we are testing.


Let’s look at a simple example to understand the benefits we explained.

Setting up the React Project

This example will create a simple react application with two react components.

  1. App Component
  2. ContactData Component

Step 01 — Application Creation

Use the below command to create the react application.

npx create-react-app cypress-react-demo

Step 02 — Component Creation & UI Creation

  1. App Component
function App() {

const [displayData, setDisplayData] = useState(false);
const [comment, setComment] = useState('');
const [email, setEmail] = useState('');

const handleSubmit = (event) => {

return (
<div className="form-container">
{!displayData ? (
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
<h3>Want to learn more on React and Cypress? </h3>
<h2>Contact Us</h2>
<label htmlFor="comment">Your question or comment</label>
<textarea name="comment" id="comment"></textarea>

<label htmlFor="email">Email (optional)</label>
<input type="email" name="email" id="email"/>

<button type="submit" id="submitBtn">Submit</button>
) : (
<ContactData comment={comment} email={email}/>

export default App;

Based on the above code snippet, this component consists of two text fields and a submit button. Once the user enters the details, data will be sent to the ContactData component as props.

We will be creating tests in Cypress for the above component. To create tests, we need to configure Cypress first.

Installation and setup of Cypress

Step 01 — Install Cypress

Use the below command to install Cypress.

npm install cypress --save-dev

Step 02 — Configure Cypress

To configure Cypress, you have to open Cypress. To do so, run the command:

npx cypress open

You will get a step-by-step installation/configuration setup upon executing this command.

Based on the given example, we will be proceeding with Component Testing. Upon clicking Component Testing, you will get the next step, framework selection.

2. Framework Selection

Since we created a basic React app without any frontend framework, we will proceed with the “Create React App” option.

3. Verify Dependencies

Next, you will be asked to verify the dev dependencies required for Cypress.

4. Verify Configuration Files

Based on the below image, you have to verify the configuration files next.

5. Browser Selection

As the final step, you must select the browser to execute tests. I’ll use “Chrome” as the browser that will be used for component testing.

Congratulations! You have successfully installed and configured Cypress. Now, let’s create some tests for the created react component.

Writing Cypress tests for React components

After successfully configuring Cypress, you can see the dashboard below. Select “New spec” to create a new test.

Once created, you can modify the test file. In this example, the test file we have created is

import React from 'react'
import App from './App'

describe('<App />', () => {

it('renders', () => {
cy.wait(2000); // Wait for 2 seconds
cy.get('#comment').type("Should you test react components using cypress");

Based on the above code snippet, we are mounting the App Component cy.mount();

We have used cy.get() to get the element in the DOM tree. In the react component, we have declared the id of the textarea as “comment”.

<textarea name="comment" id="comment"></textarea>

We must ensure the element is visible before we type something in the text area. For that below code can be used.

cy.get('#id of the element').should('be.visible');

Then, we can write the code below to type something on the text area.

cy.get('#id of the element').type()

Finally, we can click the submit button, and the ContactData component will be visible with the entered details.

Good Job! Now you know how to write tests using Cypress.

As explained earlier, we can verify that Cypress is easy to use and configure.

Let’s also look at some advanced test scenarios and the drawbacks of using Cypress.

Advanced Test Scenarios

API Testing

Let’s modify the created React component (App Component) to call an API in the submit button click event.

try {
const response = await fetch('http://localhost:3001/saveContactDetails', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify({ comment: comment, email: email }),

if (response.ok) {
} else {
console.error('Failed to submit data');
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error:', error.message);

Now, let’s try to mock the API call with Cypress. To do so, modify the file with below code.

cy.intercept('POST', 'http://localhost:3001/saveContactDetails', (req) => {
statusCode: 200,
body: {
success: true,
message: 'Mock API response for testing',
delay: 1000,
cy.get('#comment').type("Should you test react components using cypress");

In the snippet above, we have mocked the API to get a successful response. To simulate the API response, we use cy.intercept().

Similarly, we can mock the error response and test the error scenario.

Testing Redux with Cypress

Redux is the easiest way to store and display data among multiple components. We will modify the created react component (AppComponent) to store data in redux and display data in ContactDataComponent by retrieving from the redux store.


const handleSubmit = async (event) => {
const comment = document.getElementById('comment').value;
const email = document.getElementById('email').value;
dispatch(submitContactDetails({ comment, email }));


const ContactData = () => {

const contactDetails = useSelector(state => state.submitContactDetailsReducer.contactDetails);

return (
<h1>Questions & Concerns</h1>

Upon integrating redux, conducting component testing using Cypress is very complex. It can considered as one of the significant drawbacks. So, let’s explore more on the drawbacks of using Cypress.

What are the Drawbacks of Using Cypress?

1. Complex Setup for Unit Testing

Even though Cypress is easy to use and configure, when it comes to conducting unit tests, it is very complex. Jest or other testing frameworks might be more suitable than Cypress for conducting unit tests.

2. Speed and Performance

While conducting end-to-end tests, Cypress can be more time-consuming than usual testing frameworks.

Wrapping Up

Cypress is a user-friendly tool for conducting end-to-end testing and UI-driven scenarios.

However, when it comes to testing React components in isolation or focusing on unit-level testing, it might be better to go for dedicated unit-testing libraries focusing on component testing. Furthermore, different scenarios require different testing frameworks. Using an appropriate testing framework based on the application you will be developing is better.

If you wish to explore the app we built in this article, feel free to check out the code in my GitHub repository.

I hope that you have found this helpful.

Thank you for reading.

