Custom Query (991 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Component Version
#35457 Documentation: Code inside of text box assigned sammy20d Cleanup/optimization Uncategorized 5.0
#35456 Fieldset title inside StackedInline are `h3` but on errors are shown as `h2` new nobody Cleanup/optimization contrib.admin 5.0
#35452 Unexpected results when Paginator's orphans is equal or higher than the page size new nobody Cleanup/optimization Core (Other) dev
#35451 Documentation: Gunicorn deployment should probably mention the usage of a proxy new nobody Cleanup/optimization Documentation 5.0
#35450 Missing documentation: deploying Django in production behind a proxy. new nobody Cleanup/optimization Documentation 5.0
#35449 SplitArrayField doesn't validate properly with remove_trailing_nulls=True new Bug contrib.postgres 4.2
#35448 test --debug-sql SQL formatting is applied to more than the query assigned Jae Hyuck Sa Cleanup/optimization Testing framework dev
#35444 Add generic support for order by to Aggregate assigned Chris M New feature Database layer (models, ORM) dev
#35443 Fix negative numbers for ordinals new nobody Bug contrib.humanize 5.0
#35442 N+1 queries from RelatedManager + only("pk") new nobody Bug Database layer (models, ORM) 4.2
#35441 Context autoescape parameter is not documented assigned John Higgins Cleanup/optimization Template system 5.0
#35440 Update parse_header_parameters to leverage the parsing logic from (stdlib) email Message. new nobody Cleanup/optimization HTTP handling dev
#35430 Documentation about timezone is misleading assigned い。 Cleanup/optimization Documentation 5.0
#35428 ScryptPasswordHasher parallelism parameter is lower than the recommended in OWASP assigned Jae Hyuck Sa Cleanup/optimization contrib.auth dev
#35424 Migration autodetector fails when order_with_respect_to is removed, but an _order field remains new nobody Bug Migrations 4.2
#35418 ValueError: site must subclass AdminSite new nobody Cleanup/optimization Utilities 5.0
#35417 creates a context that cannot be flattened new nobody Bug Template system 5.0
#35414 Issue with AsyncClient ignoring default headers compared to synchronous Client new nobody Bug HTTP handling 5.0
#35413 FieldError: Unsupported lookup error message can be confusing. new nobody Cleanup/optimization Database layer (models, ORM) 5.0
#35405 Use @cached_property for FieldCacheMixin cache key assigned Adam Johnson Cleanup/optimization Database layer (models, ORM) dev
#35404 Admin fieldset multiple flexbox regressions new nobody Bug contrib.admin 4.2
#35402 DatabaseFeatures.django_test_skips crashes when it references a class in another test module assigned Bug Database layer (models, ORM) dev
#35401 Document the `conditional_page` decorator assigned Lufafa Joshua Cleanup/optimization Documentation dev
#35393 InlineAdmin's are not possible with an editable UUIDField as primary key. assigned Willem Van Onsem Bug contrib.admin 5.0
#35381 Regression on json null value constraints in django 4.2 new nobody Bug Database layer (models, ORM) 5.0
#35380 Have the images from docs/ref/contrib/admin/_images/ automatically generated. new nobody Cleanup/optimization Documentation dev
#35378 Incorrect folding of long address headers with special characters when using 7bit Content-Transfer-Encoding in EmailMessage new Bug Core (Mail) dev
#35371 False positive in JS module aggregation export regex when an export declaration precedes an import declaration new nobody Bug contrib.staticfiles dev
#35365 Add RFC 3834 Auto-Submitted header to emails by default assigned cgracin New feature Core (Mail) dev
#35358 Rename BaseConstraint._check() to check() new Cleanup/optimization Database layer (models, ORM) dev
#35335 Update "Enabling the sites framework" documentation to reiterate the ability to use `get_current_site` assigned sam darwin Cleanup/optimization contrib.sites 5.0
#35334 Update Oracle backend supports_sequence_reset = True new nobody Cleanup/optimization Database layer (models, ORM) 5.0
#35333 Template tag `unlocalize` does not work with `date` and `time` filters. assigned Claude Paroz Bug Template system dev
#35331 Adding a new related entry using the "+" sign from M2M field doesn't update lists. assigned devin13cox Bug contrib.admin 5.0
#35328 Improve CSRF Origin checking messaging assigned Ryan Hiebert Cleanup/optimization CSRF dev
#35326 OverwritingStorageTests fail if a TemporaryUploadedFile is used assigned bcail Bug File uploads/storage dev
#35319 Move the link to add a related object inside the .selector-available column for FilteredSelectMultiple. assigned Hrushikesh Vaidya Cleanup/optimization contrib.admin 5.0
#35308 FileNotFoundError escapes from run_formatters() assigned Jeetu Singh Cleanup/optimization Core (Management commands) dev
#35306 Improve documentation for the various date format settings assigned Lufafa Joshua Cleanup/optimization Internationalization 5.0
#35305 No-op rename of field with `db_column` drops and recreates constraints/indexes. new nobody Cleanup/optimization Migrations 4.2
#35303 Add async implementations to contrib.auth backends assigned Jon Janzen New feature contrib.auth 5.0
#35289 Chunked transfer encoding is not handled correctly by MultiPartParser new nobody Bug HTTP handling dev
#35281 Use HTTP 413 status code for RequestDataTooBig assigned kokobhara Cleanup/optimization HTTP handling 5.0
#35278 `ngettext` result can be possibly undefined. assigned Piotr Kawula Bug Internationalization 5.0
#35276 Push cache backend checks down to backend classes assigned Almaz Cleanup/optimization Core (System checks) dev
#35235 ArrayAgg() doesn't return default when filter contains __in=[]. assigned Sharon Woo Bug contrib.postgres 5.0
#35189 Accessibility issues with collapsed fieldsets in admin forms assigned Marijke Luttekes Cleanup/optimization contrib.admin dev
#35167 JSONField get_db_prep_value being called with `Cast` types assigned HeejunShin Bug Database layer (models, ORM) 4.2
#35137 Collapsible error container elements do not indicate that they are interactive assigned Abhijeet Singh Cleanup/optimization Error reporting dev
#35119 Unify max_length for EmailValidator and model's and form's EmailField assigned Kushagra S Cleanup/optimization Core (Other) dev
#35103 UniqueConstraint message does not use violation_error_message assigned Gerben Morsink Cleanup/optimization Database layer (models, ORM) 4.1
#35095 Monetary values in Switzerland discrepancy assigned Neil Pendyala Cleanup/optimization Internationalization 5.0
#35083 Make django.utils.decorators.method_decorator work with async functions. new New feature Utilities 5.0
#35074 Altering spatial_index does not actually create/drop the index assigned Mário Falcão Bug GIS 4.2
#35058 Update GDAL integration assigned David Smith Cleanup/optimization GIS 4.2
#35038 Changing violation_error_message on constraints cause a remove/add operation in migration assigned Adrienne Franke Cleanup/optimization Migrations 4.1
#35033 EmailMessage repeats header if provided via the headers kwargs assigned Salvo Polizzi Bug Core (Mail) dev
#35011 Queryset union can fail depending on the field type and/or order assigned Simon Charette Bug Database layer (models, ORM) 5.0
#35007 Add prettier to format CSS and JS assigned Tom Carrick Cleanup/optimization Core (Other) dev
#34989 Set Content-Length where possible for HttpResponses. new Anders Kaseorg Cleanup/optimization HTTP handling 4.2
#34988 Makemigrations shouldn't prompt for default values for non-nullable fields of other apps. assigned Bhuvnesh Cleanup/optimization Migrations dev
#34981 Promote `--pair` and `--bisect` from `` to be available as flags for the Django `test` command assigned Sulabh Katila New feature Testing framework dev
#34976 startproject and startapp should provide feedback assigned Salvo Polizzi Cleanup/optimization Core (Management commands) dev
#34954 Improve `output_field` resolution of `Concat` assigned Simon Charette Cleanup/optimization Database layer (models, ORM) dev
#34943 Support passing unique constraint names to bulk_create(). assigned HAMA Barhamou New feature Database layer (models, ORM) dev
#34917 Links in the Django admin should be underlined. assigned Maira Usman Cleanup/optimization contrib.admin dev
#34907 loaddata crashes on objects with natural keys when don't exist on passed database. assigned Gaurav Jain Bug Core (Serialization) 4.2
#34900 Python 3.13 compatibility. new nobody New feature Core (Other) 4.2
#34898 Adding non-deterministic collations to unique CharFields crashes on PostgreSQL. assigned Tom Carrick Bug Migrations 4.2
#34886 Sample use of lazy in delayed translations is not valid in Django 4.1 and 4.2. new Bug Documentation 4.2
#34881 migrate crashes when renaming model referenced twice by ManyToManyField.through model on SQLite. assigned Jase Hackman Bug Migrations dev
#34871 Validation of UniqueConstraint with Case() crashes. assigned Francesco Panico Bug Database layer (models, ORM) 4.2
#34865 DatabaseWrapper are not GC and connections are not closed assigned Priyank Panchal Bug Database layer (models, ORM) 4.2
#34846 Add "Copy" button to the code snippets in docs. assigned Mubeen F. Cleanup/optimization Documentation 4.2
#34831 Search in admin could allow issuing a query with many OR'd clauses assigned Yves Weissig Cleanup/optimization contrib.admin dev
#34819 GenericForeignKey.get_prefetch_queryset() assigned rajdesai24 Bug contrib.contenttypes 3.2
#34789 `filter_horizontal` duplicates entries in "Chosen" column after instance is added via in another field using the "plus" JS action assigned devin13cox Bug contrib.admin dev
#34746 High CPU/memory consumption when a 5XX is raised with large local variables assigned Keerthi Vasan S A Cleanup/optimization Error reporting 4.2
#34699 Filtering on annotated TruncSecond expression gives unexpected result. new Cleanup/optimization Database layer (models, ORM) 4.2
#34654 Post-normalization performed on the Username field leading to the bypass of the whitespace stripping new nobody Bug contrib.auth dev
#34643 Move admin form labels to a more accessible place assigned Hrushikesh Vaidya Cleanup/optimization contrib.admin dev
#34624 RelatedFieldWidgetWrapper links toggling isn’t working for radio widgets new Bug contrib.admin dev
#34619 Ensure FilteredSelectMultiple select elements are associated with their label assigned Robin Zachmann Bug contrib.admin 4.2
#34613 add support for Partitioned cookies new nobody New feature HTTP handling 4.1
#34597 Queryset (split) exclude's usage of Exists is significantly slower than subquery new nobody Cleanup/optimization Database layer (models, ORM) 3.2
#34581 Filters should not implicitly mark unsafe strings as safe without escaping assigned omerimzali Cleanup/optimization Template system dev
#34569 Unify all model fields to call get_prep_value from get_db_prep_value assigned stimver Cleanup/optimization Database layer (models, ORM) 4.2
#34566 ModelAdmin get_field_queryset uses related admin ordering, but not related admin querysets. assigned Krishna2864 Bug contrib.admin 4.2
#34563 ManifestStaticFilesStorage support for CSS module scripts in Javascript files. new nobody New feature contrib.staticfiles 4.2
#34533 OuterRef not resolved as part oh ORDER BY clause new Bug Database layer (models, ORM) 3.2
#34497 ManifestStaticFilesStorage skips import and export of javascript modules with absolute paths assigned Hielke Walinga Bug contrib.staticfiles 4.2
#34479 Support "watchfiles" in the autoreloader new Cleanup/optimization Utilities 4.2
#34477 Asyncio send mail backend assigned Andrew Chen Wang New feature Core (Mail) 4.2
#34451 Incorrect exception handling within the django exception handler assigned Akshat verma Bug Error reporting 4.1
#34417 AlterField migration on ForeignKey field re-creates foreign key constraints unnecessarily assigned Bhuvnesh Cleanup/optimization Migrations 4.1
#34406 Add support for curved geometries in GeoDjango assigned David Smith New feature GIS dev
#34402 Admin search_fields crashes for inherited model and __iexact lookup. assigned Rahmat Faisal Bug contrib.admin 3.2
#34392 Allow using test client response.json() with StreamingHttpResponse assigned vainu-arto New feature Testing framework dev
#34352 Unify terms in Signals docs. assigned stimver Cleanup/optimization Documentation 4.1
#34277 Add where clause in QuerySet.bulk_create() when update_conflicts=True assigned HAMA Barhamou New feature Database layer (models, ORM) dev
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Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.
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