DEV Community

Cover image for My Six Months Strategy Plan for Building Up A Community.
Shruti Arora
Shruti Arora

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My Six Months Strategy Plan for Building Up A Community.

Communities are an integral part of any product’s journey in tech. They help you grow at lightning-fast speed while not burning out and having fun!
For me, the community is more like “commUNITY”.

So, here’s what my 6 Months plan looks like -

1st Month -> I call the first phase “Create, Set and Address”.
So, in this initial phase, we can create the branding and set a mission for our community and address it to the people to make them aware of our mission. It will be the time phase to start delivering the right actions and message. The focus at this stage should be on the objective of building a community that attracts everyone.

2nd Month -> I call this stage “Think Ahead ”.
It is important to think ahead and create a detailed process to factor in new developments to the existing plan. After creating a safe space we now have to focus on the growth of the community. We now have to create a connection with the audience through social media pages, mailing lists, and discord channels. Now it's high time to be consistent.

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3rd Month -> I call this stage “Call for Volunteers”.
Here, in this phase, we can create roles and have people volunteer and participate. We can also create some interesting challenges and some interaction sessions on trendy topics in tech which fulfils the requirement of community members.

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4th Month -> I call this stage “Finding Sponsors and Connect ”.
So, connecting with others is a way to feel motivated and safe. In a large group, you have someone to listen to. We can Invite our sponsors or representatives and connect with them. We can Connect online or at In-person meetups.

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5th Month -> I call this stage “Future Thinking ”.
Now, that we have made the momentum and have promises, now we have to keep going. We have to focus on staying agile and adaptive in ever-changing tech practices. We have to prepare some strategies to deliver and develop an improved product. We also have to ensure that buyers and users feel satisfied with our product.

6th Month -> I call this stage “Get Ready and Repeat ”.
Now we have successfully built up the community and have seen growth. Now it's time to repeat the whole process again.

Note-Once you get into it, there's no looking back.

🏁 The End
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Thank you :)

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