Show your ads to the right people with Facebook pixel

Bring back your website visitors and more

About the Facebook pixel

The Facebook pixel is a small piece of code that goes on your website. With the pixel, you can bring back website visitors, or find new people who will likely make a purchase or become a lead.

2 ways to use your pixel

Bring back website visitors

Create a Custom Audience to reconnect with your previous website visitors who:

  • Added items to their cart
  • Looked at a specific product or page
  • Completed a purchase

Find new leads or customers

Create a Lookalike Audience to reach new people who resemble your best customers based on:

  • Similar Interests
  • Age and Location
  • And more

How to get started

First, you need to install your pixel from your computer. Once your pixel is working, you can use it to bring back website visitors and find new potential customers.

A Facebook ad on mobile using photos
A Facebook ad on mobile using video
A Facebook ad on mobile using slideshow
A Facebook ad on mobile using Canvas

Step 1

Create and name your Facebook pixel

Step 2

Choose the option to manually install

Step 3

Copy the pixel code to your website

Step 4

Check pixel activity in Events Manager

How to check if your pixel is working

As people visit your website, your pixel should begin measuring activity. You can check that your pixel is working by visiting Events Manager sections of Ads Manager.

Fashion brand grows sales with pixel

By installing the Facebook pixel on several of its landing pages, BYPIAS was able to reach audiences that were most likely to purchase its products, and also reconnect with people who had visited the BYPIAS website but didn’t make a purchase. This was vital in helping the business push for more sales.


Return on ad spend

Find the right customers with the Facebook pixel.