Episode 115 / 2021.08.23
Andrew Welch, Ryan Irelan
#standup #vite #modernizing

Ryan Ire­lan & Andrew record anoth­er dev­Mode standup streamed live on YouTube; we talk about the Olympics, and how they are inspi­ra­tional as well as pro­vid­ing alle­gories for devel­op­ment and your career.

We dis­cuss Ryan’s plans to qual­i­fy for the 2024 Olympics as a speed walk­er, and then do an in-depth dis­cus­sion on how Ryan is mod­ern­iz­ing the CraftQuest​.io website.

We dis­cuss the tri­als & tribu­la­tions asso­ci­at­ed with some­thing that every­one in the web devel­op­ment world has to do at some point, which is to take this old site” and mod­ern­ize it. Andrew also dis­cuss­es doing just this to the Spoke and Chain” and Europa Muse­um” sites from Pix­el & Tonic.

Final­ly, we chat about adver­tis­ing in small com­mu­ni­ties, and whether it’s effec­tive or not.

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