Famous Hope Quotes as Charts

I thought we (i.e. me) could use a break, so I made these abstract charts to represent the most popular quotes about hope on Goodreads.

I used to make charts like these a lot. See also famous movie quotes and chart-topping songs. Took me back to a simpler time. Hopefully we’ll be back there soon.

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How You Will Die

So far we’ve seen when you will die and how other people tend to die. Now let’s put the two together to see how and when you will die, given your sex, race, and age.

How People Like You Spend Their Time

Looking at American time use for various combinations of sex, age, and employment status, on weekdays and weekends.

Shifts in How Couples Meet, Online Takes the Top

How do couples meet now and how has it changed over the years? Watch the rankings play out over six decades.

The Most Unisex Names in US History

Moving on from the most trendy names in US history, …