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Former President Barack Obama has something to say about finding purpose from work: “Look, some of work is just a grind.” In this episode of #ThisIsWorking, President Obama sits down with LinkedIn editor in chief Daniel Roth to discuss work — his perspective on the search for meaning at work, how AI will impact our jobs, and the advice he has for workers around the world. Do you feel the need to get deeper meaning from your work? Or is working all about having a job and surviving? Let us know in the comments! For more advice from top figures in the world of business and beyond subscribe to the This is Working newsletter:

Ramon Reyes

Presidente de la Asociación Española contra el Cáncer y de la Fundacion Cientifica AECC. Presidente de European Cancer Leagues.


Taking pride in being useful is a good statement that reflects the professional aspiration that many of us share.

A man who bailed out GM and Chrysler — losing more jobs than those that were saved; discriminating in what businesses remained open (some unsuccessful) and what businesses closed (some very successful); and costing the American taxpayers billions of dollars. And that doesn’t even touch what’s below the waterline of the iceberg as his Green Energy policies wasted billions of dollars more. He’s the worst two-term president ever. And his “rock star” image couldn’t save his favorite habidashery and restaurant from closing. He’s going to give advice on finding purpose from work? What a joke. Simply pathetic. Just like the presidential library being built in Chicago. Nuts!

Martin Koiduaru

Timber frame engineer, AutoCAD programmer


Did he talked the mess he left behind, when he left office? Dept, M-East in collapse, Ukraine, etc.....

He’s never had a job himself so what is he talking about?

Dave Florio

Master of Arts (M.A.) at Rhode Island College


I went from working for the state of Rhode Island for 30 years and then a private practice in Sexual Abuse Therapy and Domestic Violence Counseling for offenders. I grew weary from that work. Then I had quadruple heart bypass surgery. Rested for a few years and I was board . Received permission from SSDI and all my doctors and I am now a substitute teacher. It’s the most rewarding experience of my life . It’s not about the money but really having a impact on young people’s lives. The best came last in my life .

Jacob Lucas

Versatile problem solver with a passion for driving organizational success


I couldn't agree more with former President Barack Obama's perspective on work. While it's important to strive for purpose and meaning in our work, it's also crucial to acknowledge that not every aspect of work will be fulfilling or exciting. There will always be mundane tasks and challenges that we need to overcome. However, I believe that finding meaning in our work can significantly enhance our overall job satisfaction and well-being. When we connect with the purpose behind our tasks and understand how they contribute to a larger goal or mission, it becomes easier to stay motivated and engaged. n the age of AI and technological advancements, the nature of work is evolving rapidly. While some jobs may be at risk of automation, new opportunities are emerging, requiring us to adapt and acquire new skills. It's essential to stay informed and embrace lifelong learning to remain relevant in a changing job market. Ultimately, work is more than just survival. It can be a source of personal growth, fulfillment, and impact. Let's strive for a balance between meeting our practical needs and finding deeper meaning in what we do.

Fritz Baker

National Account Manager , Enerfuge


Says the guy who never had a real job his entire life…

Leonard Jackson

Kairos Prison Ministry


From the man who increased the welfare and food stamps numbers. He's a fraud. The only way I can tell he's lying is that his lips are moving. Any businessman or business owner that supports this anti-White, anti American POS is someone I will never do business with and I will work to expose you for what you are.

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