DevRel Weekly Feedback
I would love to hear your thoughts on the newsletter thus far as well as any feedback you have on how I can improve your DevRel Weekly experience!
अपनी प्रगति को सेव करने के लिए Google में साइन इन करें. ज़्यादा जानें
How useful is the newsletter to you?
Very useful
Not very useful
चुना हुआ साफ़ करें
Which sections of the newsletter are most valuable to you? *
Please rank the sections of the newsletter in order of value -- 1 being the most valuable and 7 being the least valuable. Each row and column must have one and only one option selected.
Story Time
What's your opinion on the sponsored content?
चुना हुआ साफ़ करें
How's the length of the newsletter?
चुना हुआ साफ़ करें
Are there other websites or resources that you often rely on for DevRel information that I'm not including in the newsletter? If yes, what are they?
Are there other topics that I don't speak to that might be helpful to focus on even if it's not solely DevRel-related? If yes, what are they?
Would you be willing to write a review/testimonial about DevRel Weekly? If so, please write one here and if you'd like to be attributed please leave your name.
What's your job title?
What's your company's industry?
What company do you work for?
Anything else you'd like to tell me?
सबमिट करें
फ़ॉर्म में भरी गई जानकारी मिटाएं
कभी भी Google फ़ॉर्म के ज़रिए पासवर्ड सबमिट न करें.
यह फ़ॉर्म Persea Consulting के अंदर बनाया गया था. बुरे बर्ताव की शिकायत करें