Untangled Development

Docker & Django local development: a minimal, step-by-step guide

Why would you want to run Django inside a Docker locally? Don’t you have enough moving parts needed to run things already?

I try to answer this question here. See if that applies to your use case. This post is about how to do it.

At the end of this post you will have:

  1. Set up Docker locally on your dev box.
  2. Run Django in a Docker container on the same dev box.
  3. Put a breakpoint and debugged the code!


  • Docker installed locally. For the purposes of this proof-of-concept, I used Docker Desktop.

Minimal Docker Setup

Our minimal docker setup will:

  • run a relational database: Postgres
  • directly run runserver command, which is what should be done for debugging purposes

Our minimal docker setup will not:

  • run a webserver, such as Nginx
  • run gunicorn or uwsgi as “glue” between the framework (Django code) and the webserver

Since the objective is local development with Docker neither are needed.

Minimal Docker Understanding

If some Docker concepts are still not clear to you, do not worry. I have to search for new stuff myself all the time.

When I started, I found this article really helpful: 6 Docker Basics You Should Completely Grasp When Getting Started. This article explains the relationship and key differences between:

  • Containers
  • Images
  • Dockerfiles
  • Volumes
  • Port Forwarding
  • Docker compose

A lifesaver if you’re confused with the barrage of new Docker jargon. It was to me. In this post we’ll be setting up:

  • one Dockerfile,
  • one Docker compose file, or docker-compose.yml

Set up the Django project locally


Add a Dockerfile in your Django project root with these contents:

FROM python:3
RUN mkdir /code
COPY requirements.txt /code/
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
COPY . /code/

Let’s decompose this Dockerfile.

Line 1 picks an image: FROM python:3 instructs Docker to start with the python:3 image. It’s common to see the “alpine” version for Python images. Alpine Linux is much smaller than most distribution base images, and leads to slimmer images in general. You can read more about Python images and image variants about this here.

Line 2 sets environment variable PYTHONUNBUFFERED to 1. What is this? Normally, if you have a process piping data into your application, the terminal may buffer the data. The terminal keeps data in a reservoir until a size limit or a certain character (generally a newline or EOF) is reached. At that point it dumps the entire chunk of data into your application all at once. Same for output data and error data (stdout and stderr). This option asks the terminal not to use buffering. More detail on this option here.

The remaining set of instructions in lines 3-7: * creates a /code directory at root level * copies requirements.txt into it * installs python packages (no virtualenv needed in the container to begin with) * copies the full project directory into it

So the Dockerfile above:

  1. selects a base image for us,
  2. configures it for us to run things on top of it by installing required packages and copying over our Django project code.


Q: So how do we run this container?

A: We’ll use docker-compose.

Q: But the container above runs only Django. Don’t we need a container for Postgres?

A: We do not need to configure a Postgres container as Docker provides a docker image for Postgres which we can just start up. We then log into it and configure it as if it were running locally.

Q: Shall we write a shell script and execute a docker process on our local machine for both containers?

A: No. Docker provides docker-compose rather than relying on shell scripts.


The big advantage of a docker-compose.yml file is that it’s very readable.

Add this docker-compose.yml file in your Django project directory:

version: '1'

    image: postgres
    - POSTGRES_DB=djangodb
    - POSTGRES_USER=postgres
    - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres
    build: .
    command: python manage.py runserver
    container_name: django_web
    - .:/code
    - "8000:8000"
    - db

We have two “services”, db and web.

db service runs the Postgres process inside a container which uses the postgres image.

The POSTGRES_DB, POSTGRES_USER and POSTGRES_PASSWORD are hardcoded in the docker-compose.yml. You can however configure them to use environment variables using a .env or .envrc file. This IMHO is not worth the effort if you’re doing this only for local testing.

web service runs the manage.py runserver process inside the aptly named django_web container.

The instruction build: . tells Docker compose to use the Dockerfile located in this same directory to run the web service. It will run the service “within” the django_web container. Docs on build here.

The command runs Django’s runserver command and exposes it at the container’s port 8000.

The container_name is a custom name you can append for clarity’s sake. We’ll see its effect when we run things in the next section.

environment allows you to reuse environment variables from the host machine. More info on managing environment variables for your Django project. In this case DATABASE_URL environment variable is being reused.

volumes is used to “mount” host paths. The basic usage in our context is to “share” the code on our machine with that on the django_web service container. Docs here.


  • Lines 18-19 map the host machine’s port 8000 with the container’s port 8000.
  • Lines 20-21 enforce the web container dependency on the db container.

Enough explanation! Let’s run things!

Make it run on your local Docker container

Make sure your Docker Desktop is running.

Run docker ps, to list containers. Assuming you haven’t started any other containers, you shouldn’t see any. Your output should be the below:

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES

Run the below command to start the two containers as per your docker-compose.yml:

docker-compose up

The terminal output should end with the usual output of the Django runserver command:

web_1  | Watching for file changes with StatReloader
web_1  | Performing system checks...
web_1  |
web_1  | System check identified no issues (0 silenced).
web_1  | June 06, 2020 - 10:24:43
web_1  | Django version 3.0.6, using settings 'djangotest.settings'
web_1  | Starting development server at
web_1  | Quit the server with CONTROL-C.

Running docker ps now should show two containers (scroll to the right to see full output):

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                    NAMES
91f53455ce25        django_web          "python manage.py ru…"   59 seconds ago      Up 58 seconds>8000/tcp   django_web
45b3091c0c62        postgres            "docker-entrypoint.s…"   59 seconds ago      Up 58 seconds       5432/tcp                 djangotest_db_1

Note that the output of the NAMES above depends on the name of the project’s directory. For example, since the db service container does not have a name, the resulting comtainer name is djangtest_db1 because the project directory is djangotest.

In another terminal window/tab, log onto the db docker container:

docker-compose exec db sh

Once logged in, open psql as user postgres:

su - postgres -c psql

And create the database:

CREATE DATABASE djangodb OWNER postgres;

Exit both psql and the db docker container.

Enter the web container:

docker-compose exec web sh

Once logged in run the below to apply database migrations and create a superuser:

./manage.py migrate
./manage.py createsuperuser

Refresh the site at http://localhost:8000/admin/ and log in with the superuser you just created.

You can exit the web container.

Stop the previous web service before going on.

Hit the command to stop the process as you would with your local Django runserver process.

After doing so, running docker ps should should only show the db service running.

Debug time!

Update the code and put a breakpoint in one of your views. I used the IPython debugger ipdb.

Rebuild the web container

After changing the code, run the below to rebuild the web container, including dependencies:

docker-compose up -d --no-deps --build web

Let’s decompose the above docker-compose up command:

  • -d or --detach means “Detached mode”; to run containers in the background
  • --no-deps instructs docker-compose up to not start linked services
  • --build instructs docker-compose up to build any required images before starting containers
  • web is the service for which I’m running docker-compose up


To debug using ipdb, use docker-compose run, docs here.

The flag --service-ports web makes the service web expose the necessary ports to be able debug:

docker-compose run --service-ports web

If you run docker ps you should see that your web service is back up and running.

Access the URL where that would stop execution at your breakpoint. Since I’ve put my breakpoint at the home page, I see the terminal output below:

System check identified no issues (0 silenced).
June 06, 2020 - 10:51:15
Django version 3.0.6, using settings 'djangotest.settings'
Starting development server at
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.
> /code/items/views.py(15)get_context_data()
     13         context = super().get_context_data(**kwargs)
     14         import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
---> 15         return context

ipdb> self.request
<WSGIRequest: GET '/'>

Note that /code/items/views.py is the location of the module on the container, not on your local dev box.

Which means… that’s it, you’re debugging code running in your Docker service!

Update after reading “Django for Professionals”

To keep my Django knowledge “current” I read books from to time. I go to know about author Will Vincent from the DjangoChat podcast.

Being experienced in Django I opted for Django for Professionals.

It is refreshing to start directly with Docker. Chapter 1 goes in detail about what Docker is. And how to have your Django application run on it from the “Hello World” get go.

I learnt some things I didn’t know about Docker, even after having written this post. For example:


prevents Python from producing pyc files.

The only caveat is that I do not use pipenv. I had asked on reddit about having pipenv handle production only requirements. The response at the time was underwhelming. I like having finer-grained control over what packages run locally in my native dev environment. And which packages to run elsewhere, i.e. staging/prod.

But this will change. Why? In time I want to transition to running things locally in Docker as well. I’m not there yet right now. YMMV.

Django for Professionals uses pipenv. Its deterministic build feature is indeed attractive:

The benefit of a lock file is that this leads to a deterministic build: no matter how many times you install the software packages, you’ll have the same result. Without a lock file that “locks down” the dependencies and their order, this is not necessarily the case. Which means that two team members who install the same list of software packages might have slightly different build installations.

But it shouldn’t stop you to translate this to whatever package management tool you’re using.

Another lesson learnt is when the author asked for the parts of your files that change frequently to be last:

That way we only have to regenerate that part of the image when a change happens, not reinstall everything each time there is a change

One gripe I have about defaulting to psycopg2-binary package. I would like to have psycopg2 in production. Because according to this:

The psycopg2-binary package is meant for beginners to start playing with Python and PostgreSQL without the need to meet the build requirements.

If you are the maintainer of a published package depending on psycopg2 you shouldn’t use psycopg2-binary as a module dependency. For production use you are advised to use the source distribution.

I’m not sure whether this applies to all applications or only to package publishers. I reached out to the author about this. Will update as soon as I get a reply.

Update 2020-01-08: Will Vincent’s reply on this:

Re psycopg2-binary that’s more a quirk of Pipenv. It’s something in flux. I think with just pip not using binary is fine.

Therefore, if easy in your situation, just go with pyscopg2.


This tutorial is aimed at getting you started and showing you the basics. I provided pointers along the way if you want to dive deeper.

It doesn’t intend to show you all that can be done with Docker. Far from it.

The “tech ops” landscape is continuously changing. And I’m confident that many commands (or their arguments) will become outdated in no time.

I referred to this gist by Github user katylava to build the “docker structure” for this Django project. That helped a lot.

Feedback appreciated!

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