
I love it when a plan comes together! 🚐

Last week I linked to one of the WWDC 2018 scholarship submissions that had caught my eye and said I felt guilty about linking to just that one when I was sure there were so many other great submissions waiting to be discovered. So, I asked if there were any more I should be aware of and almost immediately Andreas Neusüß let me know about the WWDC 2018 Scholarship Submissions site (and repo) which is a list of publicly shared submissions not only from this year, but from 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 as well. Of course this exists... of course it does.

Obviously the submissions are fantastic, but really I think everyone on that page deserves recognition for putting their project out there. It's a really important (but potentially extremely nerve wracking) experience to publish your code for everyone on the internet to see, but it's a critical part of being a developer these days. I hope all of these potential scholarship winners who also have blogs also decide to add them here as I'd love to read them.

I believe that the announcement of the results is set for today, probably in a few hours for now. I wish every one of you luck there and hope to meet some of you in a few weeks time!

Dave Verwer  





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