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How to add a slideout panel to your CraftCMS module or plugin


CraftCMS 3.7 added element editor slideouts. Craft 4 took it a step further with CpScreenSlideout. I'm going to show you how to add slideouts to your own module or plugin.

Setup Craft

To get started you'll need:

  1. A CraftCMS v4.0.0 install
  2. A custom module or plugin.

Create a Module

Create a module following the CraftCMS docs.

Important: Double check that the module template root is registered in your module's init method:

// Register Template Roots
    function(RegisterTemplateRootsEvent $event) {
        $event->roots[$this->id] = __DIR__ . '/templates';

Create an Asset Bundle

Create an Asset Bundle following the CraftCMS docs.

Create a Control Panel Controller

If you're unfamiliar with Controllers read the CraftCMS docs first.

We're going to create a new SlideoutController that will be responsible for:

  1. Displaying the button to trigger the slideout
  2. Displaying the slideout content
  3. Processing the form submission in the slideout and returning data back to the element that triggered the slideout

Create the new SlideoutController folders / files by running the following in your console or create them manually.

mkdir -p modules/controllers
touch modules/controllers/SlideoutController.php

Add an actionIndex method to the SlideoutController.php to render a control panel template with the following code:


namespace modules\controllers;

use craft\web\Controller;
use yii\web\Response;

class SlideoutController extends Controller
    public function actionIndex(): Response
        return $this->asCpScreen()
            ->title('Slideout Controller')

Create the template that's rendered in the indexAction.

Run the following commands in your console or create the folder / file manually.

mkdir -p modules/templates/slideout
touch modules/templates/slideout/index.twig

Edit modules/templates/slideout/index.twig add:

{{ _self }}

Test the SlideoutController:actionIndex renders. Visit: and you should see: my-module/slideout/index.twig

Screenshot of the slideout controller template

Trigger the slideout

To trigger a slideout there's a few steps:

  1. Create a new javascript widget in the AssetBundle
  2. Load the AssetBundle in our CP screen
  3. Add a button to our CP screen to trigger the slideout
  4. Create the slideout content action and template
  5. Test the Trigger Slideout button

Create a new javascript widget in the AssetBundle

The following javascript uses Craft's Garnish base class which is pretty much undocumented. Here's some other resources including a 2 hour hangout with Brandon Kelly walking through Craft's javascript.

Add the following javascript to your AssetBundle script.js:

(function ($) {
    // Create a new object on the window we can call from our template
    window.MyModuleSlideoutTrigger = Garnish.Base.extend({
        // Called when a new widget is created
        init: function (elementId) {
            // Find the trigger element
            this.$triggerElement = $('#' + elementId);
            // Attach an onclick handler
            this.$triggerElement.on('click', $.proxy(this, 'onClick'));
        onClick: function () {
            const slideout = new Craft.CpScreenSlideout('my-module/slideout/content');
            // Open the slideout
            // Listen fro the submit event
            slideout.on('submit', function (e) {

Load the AssetBundle in our CP Screen

In the in the SlideoutController::indexAction add:


Your controller should now look like:


namespace modules\controllers;

use Craft;
use craft\web\Controller;
use modules\web\assets\cp\Asset;
use yii\web\Response;

class SlideoutController extends Controller
    public function actionIndex(): Response
        return $this->asCpScreen()
            ->title('Slideout Controller')

Add a button to our CP screen to trigger the slideout

Edit modules/templates/slideout/index.twig add a button and initialise the widget:

<button type="button" id="slideout-trigger" class="btn">
    Trigger Slideout

{!-- Create a new widget instance and pass through the button ID --}
{% js %}
    new MyModuleSlideoutTrigger('slideout-trigger');
{% endjs %}

Refresh the control panel and you should see:

Screenshot of the slideout controller template

Create the SlideoutController::actionContent controller and template

Our javascript widget creates a new CpScreenSlideout which loads it's content from a CP action so we need to create the new action and content template.

In the in the SlideoutController add the new action code:

// Action: my-module/slideout/content
public function actionContent(): Response
    // The slideout submits back to this action
    // so check if it's a post and respond with a success
    if($this->request->isPost) {
        return $this->asSuccess('success');
    // Return the slideout content in a <form>
    // The form action points back to this controller action
    return $this->asCpScreen()
        ->title('Slideout Content')
        // Render the content template

Create the template that's rendered in the SlideoutController::contentAction. Run the following commands in your console or create the folder / file manually.

mkdir -p modules/templates/slideout
touch modules/templates/slideout/content.twig

Edit modules/templates/slideout/content.twig add:

{{ _self }}

Test the SlideoutController:actionContent renders.

Visit: and you should see a Save button and my-module/slideout/content.twig

Great… nearly there.

Test the Trigger Slideout button

Visit: and click the "Trigger Slideout" button.

If everything works as expected you should see:

Wrapping Up

CraftCMS Slideout panels provide another tool in your module UI toolbelt.

I've shown you how to implement a Craft.CpScreenSlideout but there's also Craft.Slideout (the base class) and ElementEditorSlideout which extends Craft.CpScreenSlideout for editing elements.