🤗 Course Community Event
Register here for the community event that we're launching with part 2 of the 🤗 course!

This event will include two days of talks on November 15th-16th with amazing speakers like Jakob Uszkoreit, Jay Alammar, Mark Saroufim, Megan Mitchell, and Thomas Wolf.

During the event, you'll also learn how to build your very own NLP applications with the 🤗 ecosystem! You will end up with a demo like this one (https://huggingface.co/spaces/flax-community/chef-transformer) that you can showcase in your portfolio, as well as a certificate of completion from the Hugging Face team.

We are collecting your email to be able to send you the links to join the events. We will also send you more information about the projects as we get closer to the date of the event, so stay tuned!
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Please provide your Hugging Face username. If you don't have an account yet, please create one here: https://huggingface.co/join *
I have read and will adhere to the event's Code of Conduct: https://bit.ly/3aOK1jm (You must select "Yes" to participate in the event) *
What is your main interest in Machine Learning and Transformers?
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