David Lord

A Disorganized List of Maintainer Tasks

After I became a maintainer of Flask, I had to figure out a lot on my own. I didn't get an instruction manual. I know I won't have the same amount of time to devote to open source forever, and I don't want to leave the rest of the team in the same spot I was. I don't plan to leave, but documentation is helpful regardless.

If you think about maintaining a project, you probably expect to be reviewing and merging PRs, fixing and closing issues, and making new releases. That's hard all on its own! You need to become familiar with an entire codebase, and be confident enough about what you know to make decisions. But there's a whole other set of things you need to learn and do that no one really talks about, tools, processes, communication, community, documentation, and more.

I want to produce that instruction manual, "Every Maintainer Task and How to Do It". I figured this out, so other maintainers shouldn't have to, or should at least be able to get a head start.

I started writing down at least the different topics. When I mentioned this on Mastodon, people wanted to see the list, even without details. Here's a list of things I could think of off the top of my head that I either deal with or need to figure out. It's disorganized. It's incomplete. It's a start.

I feel overwhelmed looking at this list, both in the amount I need to deal with and the amount that I need to document. I've probably missed things, and it doesn't even include writing code or making releases. Next time you want to ask "When's the next release?", instead look at the project and see where you can start getting involved. The more help maintainers have, the more they can get done.
