Ladies and gentlemen, 

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to Speeches of Note, an ongoing journey through history’s most compelling speeches, helmed by me, Shaun Usher–the same fool responsible for Letters of Note

In the coming weeks, months and years, from this virtual lectern, we will celebrate oratory old and new, endeavouring not just to whoop with delight at the speeches that we already know and admire but also to shine a light on those speeches which, despite their brilliance, are often ignored. This includes speeches made by the non-famous, speeches that were made but not recorded, and even speeches that were written but for some reason never made. Indeed, although speeches by their very nature are to be uttered, those unspoken sometimes have more to say. 

New speeches will be added at least a few times each week and suggestions are welcomed–encouraged, in fact–via either the submission form or by email: 

Many thanks,
