Episode 22 / 2018.10.01
Andrew Welch, Michael Rog, Marion Newlevant
#craftcms #dotall #recap

The dev​Mode​.fm crew recaps the Dot All 2018 Con­fer­ence in Berlin, Ger­many… joined by Ben Cro­ker and Oliv­er Stark from for­tra­b­bit. We dis­cuss and ana­lyze the news announced at the Dot All 2018 con­fer­ence such as Craft CMS 3.1, Craft Com­merce 2, Craft Com­merce Lite, the new plu­g­in store and more!

We also dis­cuss the talks that we heard, in terms of what talks we found mem­o­rable. The videos of all of them will be pub­lished for those who were unable to attend, or want to see them again. We delve into the ben­e­fits of meet­ing up with your peers, and how the con­fer­ence is real­ly about the peo­ple & connections.

We hope you’ll for­give the slight audio qual­i­ty issues due to our impromp­tu record­ing stu­dio, and enjoy the content!

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