Episode 16 Affirmations That Work
2012 My daughter scaring the Masai

Episode 16 Affirmations That Work

Jane "Investigating the Weird and Wonderful" Tyson 

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We were relieved when they updated the school uniform, the kids look like extras from the Sound of Music. Before traveling we’d received a packing list which mostly said 'you might like to bring coat hangers', so we did and naively packed little else. When we got to the house it was pretty sparse save a cupboard full of hangers. It took a couple of weeks to get an iron, hence our creases. Seasoned travelers advised us to give it 3 months to adjust, this was a reassuring vision for us focus on as we worked through the initial culture coat hanger shock.

In 2012, I wrote in my goal/affirmation book that “we live in a quirky house, with a wonderful view and our children play out freely”. I also wrote on my bucket list that I climbed Mount Kilimanjaro (not even knowing where it was) and practiced public speaking.

Four months later, the above photo captured us outside our unusual house on a vast school campus, surrounded by coffee plantations. We were embarking on our first day of school at St Constantines, in Arusha Tanzania, where we were to enjoy the next 2 years here of an amazing family adventure. It was a toss-up between this or the next stage on the property ladder in Woking for a larger family home. This opportunity arose amidst the ad pages of the Times Educational Supplement, so we seized the day. I also got lots of opportunities to speak and deliver staff training in my role in the curriculum leadership team. 

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In the background, hidden by clouds is Mount Meru volcano, clearly pictured here to the right, which is just a 30-minute car drive from the foothills of Mount Kili. My husband, Paul wasn’t in this photo as he had returned to the UK, his sabbatical didn’t quite cover parts of the adventure. 

3 day family trek up Mount Meru
Mount Kilimanjaro and me

And Finally

What affirmations, even afformations are you speaking to yourself?   They are usually positive, present tense words that you speak to yourself repeatedly for the benefits of your subconscious mind. Essentially, its a rewire/reboot of historically learned negative thought brain circuits into positively charged ones. A bit like nourishing your body with good food, the more you eat well the healthier you feel, so the more you speak well to yourself the better you behave, believe, and become. Good things start to happen, your energy field vibrates at a higher pace, manifestation takes place! (“oh mum, no no not your weird stuff” my kids would cry #onemumatatime)

Affirmations are brilliant and powerful antidotes to negative self-talk and incredibly effective for making things happen. Yes, it might appear "wierd" but you can indeed think things into being by embedding "present tense goals" into your subconscious mindPhil Shepherd,

"I am making LIFESMART choices right now is probably my most important affirmation, though I may not have framed it explicitly as an affirmation. That is what I live by though - I am Learning daily, following my Interests, growing interactions with Family, and Engaging my communities in meaningful ways by doing SMART projects. I am guiding Ananth to make LIFESMART choices is a related on. I may not know where my choices will lead but I am at ease/ at peace knowing I am making the most informed LIFESMART choices that I am capable of making at this moment" Professor Rama Dasaratha

"Affirmations are the thoughts that make or break us... We are what we think. I believe the universe gives to us what we put out in the form of thoughts... For instance, if we are constantly talking about sickness, what we are essentially putting out is that we are fond of it... So the universe gives us ill health... Things like that. Positive affirmations give us a positive life and help us stay afloat. The mind is a powerful magnet.... We attract what we think or feel about strongly.” Hamsini G 

Consider a couple of things across your life that you would like to alter, now write positive phrases to bring about changes and choose a couple to repeat throughout the day. Regularly read your list and edit to suit.  

For example:  

  • I am full of energy
  • My mind is peaceful and calm
  • I choose to love myself unconditionally and share this love with those around me
  • I celebrate the joy of life 

Hopefully you get the idea, they can be a bit strange to say to begin with. 

What we think though we become, would you agree? So its worth a bit of this weird for the wonderful. 

You might like to try this one that I learned in the Zen Den at Camp Bestival too:

  1. Place your hand on your heart and breathe
  2. Spend a little time here
  3. Now repeat slowly 5 times:
  4. I open and expand my heart to the vibration of…” (insert as appropriate maybe gratitude, love, peace, joy, happiness, kindness)
  5. Notice how you feel after and what occurs during your day. 

I’ve made a Pinterest board here with some more ideas too, plus I’ve some little cards to sell soon.

Each month, I host a number of face to face and virtual community events for people to gather, learn, share, and have fun. These can include, sharing affirmations or even creating little virtual affirmation cards on Canva like this:

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Some previous Episodes:

Episode One Loneliness

Episode Two Volunteering

Jane “Investigating” Tyson

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Jane Tyson

Random Dialogues | Author: Beyond Small Talk | Guildford Buzz Networking Host


Thanks for sharing the post and your contribution Hamsini G #onemumatattime

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