In Barisal, Bangladesh, floating gardens, known locally as dhap, are a traditional form of hydroponics that dates back at least 400 years. 

In Barisal, Bangladesh, floating gardens, known locally as dhap, are a traditional form of hydroponics that dates back at least 400 years. 

Photographer: Xinhua/Getty Images
Weather & Science

How Floating Farms Are Helping Bangladesh Adapt to Climate Change

The traditional practice of growing vegetables, fruits and spices on rafts is now a tool for farmers contending with extreme weather, floods and sea level rise.

To reach his farm, Mohammad Mohasin has an unusual commute. The 40-year-old either rows in a wooden canoe or swims to the field of crops — which is floating in a body of water in Barisal, a southern region of Bangladesh.

Tomatoes, pumpkins, potatoes, beans, eggplants and cucumbers are among the produce that he cultivates in curiously green, buoyant rows.