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Announcing the Mobile Native Foundation

Keith Smiley
Lyft Engineering
Published in
2 min readMar 2, 2021


Today, we’re excited to launch the Mobile Native Foundation. Backed by The Linux Foundation, along with Airbnb, Capital One, Corellium, Elotl,, GitHub, GogoApps, Haystack, Line, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Peloton, Robinhood, Sauce Labs, Screenplay, Slack, Solid Software, Spotify, and Square, the Mobile Native Foundation provides a place to collaborate on improving technologies and processes related to shipping large-scale mobile apps.

Like many companies, Lyft discovered that platform vendors did not solve all of the problems we faced as our mobile team grew from a dozen engineers to hundreds of active contributors. We needed guidelines, libraries, and tools to improve our developer experience and the quality of our apps.

This vacuum has led companies to invest in huge projects, shipped in silos, duplicated across the industry. We have implemented custom UI frameworks, flexible architectures, replacement build systems, and new networking stacks countless times. This realization led us to found the Mobile Native Foundation. We hope to foster a diverse and inclusive community that encourages collaboration and builds innovative libraries and tools to move the industry forward.

To achieve this goal, the Mobile Native Foundation, independent from any one company, hosts public discussions and open source projects related to a wide variety of issues companies face. To kick us off, Lyft is contributing multiple projects including Kronos, index-import, and set-simulator-location. We’re excited to see what other projects the community brings.

Get involved to help improve mobile development for everyone!

