NEW Try Dasha in your browser with Dasha Playground!

Human-like conversational AI for developers

Dasha is a conversational-AI-as-a-service platform that lets you embed realistic voice and text conversational capabilities into your apps or products. With a single integration, create smart conversational apps for web, desktop, mobile, IoT and call centers.

How it works

Design conversations

Declarative language for conversations

DashaScript is an event-driven declarative programming language used to design complex real-world conversations that pass a limited Turing test. Automate call center conversations, recreate the Google Duplex demo in under 400 lines of code or create a no-code GUI for your users that translates into DashaScript code.

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  • sample.dsl
start node root {
    do {
        #sayText("Welcome to Acme Pizza! How can I help you?");
        wait *;

digression order_pizza {
    conditions { on #messageHasIntent("order_pizza"); }
    do {
        #sayText("All right. $10, please. May I charge your card now?");
        wait *;

Build apps

Build for any platform

If it is connected to the internet and has access to a speaker/mic, it can run a Dasha application. Any platform (Web server, browser, iOS/Android, Phone/VoIP, MacOS/Linux/Windows, Raspberry Pi, etc.), programming languages (NodeJS, Java, Python, C#, C++, whatever) can be used. Note that the beta program offers only the NodeJS SDK.

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  • app.js
const dasha = require("");

const app = await dasha.deploy("./");

await app.start();

Integrate with anything

Existing Data and Business Logic

Your conversational voice/chat apps use your existing infrastructure, including databases, external services (Airtable, Zendesk, TalkDesk, etc.) and business logic. Run conversations through anything (telephone, in-app, IOT) using Dasha SDK. Feed your custom data into Dasha and consume results where they provide most value (BI, analytics, decision engines).

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  • integration.dsl
  • integration.js
external function createPayment(amount:decimal):boolean;

digression order_confirmed {
    conditions { on #messageHasSentiment("positive"); }
    do {
        var res = external createPayment(10); //call it in real-time while talking
        if(res) {
            #sayText("Payment successful. Enjoy your pizza!");

Dasha Studio

VSCode extension

Build, manage and deploy Dasha applications from VSCode. Enjoy IntelliSense for DashaScript, a low-code graphical WYSIWYG interface and a powerful analytics engine for syntax and errors highlighting. Ships with the Profiler which visualizes conversational outcomes to easily train and improve your AI apps.

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Free tier

Free tier for Builders and Testers

You can use the fully functional free tier to kick the tires, run test calls and figure out the Dasha way of building a conversational application. Once your apps are trained, put in your credit card and go. Or decide that it’s not your thing, it’s up to you.

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Get started with Dasha

With Dasha you can build: call center automation, agent enhancement / speech analytics, booking a table in a restaurant, receptionist, robot for Clubhouse / Discord, add voice control to existing mobile app, conversational IVR ...the possibilities are virtually endless!

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