About me

Will Vincent is a former Board Member of the Django Software Foundation and the author of three books on Django. He co-hosts the Django Chat podcast, co-writes the weekly Django News newsletter, and runs LearnDjango.com. He has also built popular third-party packages, spoken at multiple DjangoCon conferences, and taught computer science at Williams College.



Django Chat Podcast

A regular podcast on Django co-hosted with Django Fellow Carlton Gibson featuring interviews with leading members of the community.

Django News Newsletter

Django News is weekly newsletter that reaches several thousand Django developers co-written with Jeff Triplett that features news, articles, events, projects, podcasts, and more all focused on Django.

Selected Projects

  • Awesome Django - curated list of awesome Django resources
  • DjangoX - starter framework for new Django projects
  • DRFX - starter framework for new Django REST Framework projects


Podcast Guest Appearances